Elastigirl (The Incredibles)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[H/N] = Hero Name

: = Dialogue

Power : Hypnotic suggestion (kind of like the Jedi Mind Trick from Star Wars).

Now let the story begin.

Helen Parr, aka Elastigirl, is on her way to meet the hero she'll be partnering with for her next mission.

When she arrives at the meetup spot, her eyes widen when she sees who's waiting for her.

Elastigirl : [Y/N]?

[Y/N] [L/N], known to most as the hero [H/N], looks at her and smiles.

[Y/N] : Helen!

The two exchange a friendly hug.

Elastigirl : I haven't seen you in years! How have you been?

[Y/N] : I've been fine. How about you? I heard you got married to Mr. Incredible.

Elastigirl : Actually, Bob and I aren't together anymore.

[Y/N] : Oh, sorry for bringing that up then.

She shakes her head.

Elastigirl : It's fine [Y/N], we ended our relationship on good terms.

[Y/N] : That's good to know. If you don't mind me asking, why did you and Bob get a divorce?

Elastigirl : Ever since the Super Relocation Act was enacted, Bob has had a hard time adjusting to civilian life, even after the kids were born. He just started pushing us away, and it got to the point where things just couldn't work out between us, so Bob and I both agreed to separate, but still be there for the kids.

[Y/N] : Wow, I'm really sorry Helen. At least the Super Relocation Act finally got repealed a little while ago.

He puts his hand on her shoulder and gives her a sincere look, making her blush a little.

[Y/N] : Listen Helen, if you ever need someone to talk to, just let me know ok?

She gives him a small smile.

Elastigirl : Thank you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : No problem. Now, let's get back to the mission shall we?

After being briefed on their mission, Helen and [Y/N] head to an abandoned warehouse to find their target, an arms dealer who's been selling illegal weapons on the black market.

They arrive and see the warehouse being guarded by two goons carrying powerful weapons.

[Y/N] : Leave this to me Helen.

She nods as he jumps down in front of the guards.

[Y/N] : Gentlemen! How are we doing this evening?

Goon #1 : It's [H/N]!

Goon # 2 : Blast him!

Before they could take aim, [Y/N]'s eyes glow as he raises his hand at them.

[Y/N] You will lower your weapons and abandon your post.

Goon #1 : We will lower our weapons...

Goon #2 : And abandon our post....

They do as [Y/N] instructed and leave the area, making him chuckle.

[Y/N] : Heh, that was almost too easy.

Helen jumps down next to him and smiles.

Elastigirl : Good work. Ready to go inside?

[Y/N] : By all means, ladies first.

She smirks as the two cautiously head inside.


After finishing their mission and turning their target over to the authorities, Helen and [Y/N] began spending more time together outside of work, leading to them developing feelings for each other.

Some time later, with some encouragement from her children and ex husband, Helen confesses her feelings to [Y/N], which he reciprocates much to her joy.

After dating for awhile, [Y/N] decides to take their relationship to the next level.

[Y/N] : Helen, our time together has been the best thing to ever happen to me in a long time, so will you make me the happiest guy to ever live and be my wife?

He asks as he gets down on one knee and pulls out an ornate orange ring.

He asks as he gets down on one knee and pulls out an ornate orange ring

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She looks at him with teary eyes and a big smile.

Elastigirl : Of course I'll marry you [Y/N]!

She pulls him into a kiss before Bob pulls him aside to talk.

Mr. Incredible : Congratulations [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Thanks Bob. Are you gonna be ok with this?

Mr. Incredible : I'll be alright. Helen is a great woman, so don't make the same mistakes that I did ok [Y/N]?

He nods and smiles.

[Y/N] : You're a good man Bob, and I hope to see you at the wedding.

Mr. Incredible : Sure thing [Y/N], I wouldn't miss it.

At the wedding, [Y/N] and Helen are standing at the altar staring lovingly into each other's eyes.

Minister : Do you [Y/N] [L/N] take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?

[Y/N] : I do.

Minister : And do you Helen Parr take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?

Helen : I definitely do.

Minister : Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. Mr. [L/N], you may now kiss the bride.

[Y/N] smiles and pulls his wife into a passionate kiss, earning some awws and clapping from the guests.

Elastigirl : I love so much [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too Helen.

After getting married, [Y/N] moved into Helen's house with her three kids.

Out of the three, Violet took to her new father the quickest while Dash took some time before warming up to [Y/N], and Jack-Jack got attached to him too when he saw how happy he made his mother.

While not being married to her anymore, Bob still helps Helen and [Y/N] with the kids, much to [Y/N]'s appreciation as he's still getting used to being a father.

Right now, [Y/N] and Helen are laying in their bed together.

Elastigirl : It's been a long day, wouldn't you agree hun?

When [Y/N] doesn't answer her, she turns to see her husband already fast asleep.

She giggles and kisses him softly on the cheek.

Elastigirl : Sweet dreams [Y/N], I'll see you in the morning.

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