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Xiao Zhan was busy in his art work. He got a call from someone. He smiled looking at the caller's id.He happily picked up the call.

Xiao Zhan : hello grandma! How are you?

From the other side came reply : Zhan! It's me, your mom.

Zhan : mom! How are you? How's dad and others?

Mrs. Xiao : Everyone's fine Zhan. How are you?.

Zhan : I'm fine. Mom! Why did you called me from Grandma's phone? Is she OK?.

Mrs. Xiao went silent for a while, then said : She's ill.

Zhan got shocked, he asked : ill? What happened to her?

Mrs. Xiao : Zhan! Your grandma.... She's.... She's seriously ill. She wants to see you before her.... (Mrs. Xiao was sobbing)

Zhan also had tears in his eyes hearing about his grandma.

Zhan said : mom! I'll come back to China in two to three days.

Mrs. Xiao : OK.

Zhan : mom! Take good care of grandma and of yourself too OK?

Mrs. Xiao : OK. You too.

Mrs. Xiao cut the call. Mrs. Xiao went to grandma Xiao's room as grandma was calling her.


Xiao Zhan packed up his stuff. He informed his friends about his today's flight to China and that he'll come back soon.

Zhan bid farewell to his friends who came to the airport to drop Zhan.

Zhan sat inside. He was worried about his grandmother. He just wanted to meet his grandmother as soon as possible. Zhan closed his eyes as the plan was about to take off.


It was a long journey from Thailand to China. Zhan was much tired.

Finally he reached his home by a taxi. He rang the bell. After sometime, the door opened. It was Mr. Xiao who opened the door.

Zhan hugged his dad tightly. Mr. Xiao patted Zhan's back lovingly.

Zhan saw his mother coming towards them, he ran towards her and hugged her. Zhan started sobbing mumbling 'grandma is ill'.

Mrs. Xiao kissed her son's forehead and said, "Zhan! Go meet your grandma. She has been waiting for you since i told her about your arrival".

Zhan, "OK mom". Zhan went to his grandmother's room. Zhan saw his grandmother lying on the bed with eyes closed.

Zhan softly called, "Grandma! I'm home".

Grandma opened her eyes and became really happy to see her beloved grandchild.

Zhan went towards his grandmother and hugged her. Grandma patted Zhan's head.

Zhan pouted and said, "Grandma! You got ill and didn't even informed me?"

Grandma carassed Zhan's cheek and said, "Oh my child Zhan Zhan! Don't be angry now, OK? I'm fine. And after seeing you I'm feeling much better now".

Zhan, "Grandma! But still...
Anyway... I'm gonna stay with my grandma, I won't go anywhere".

Grandma patted Zhan's head and said, "That good. When you're away Grandma misses you so much. Don't go, OK?"

Zhan smiled and said, "OK".

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