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Mistakes ahead. Please bear with them. I'm too lazy to re read this chapter. Thanks.


Yibo was very happy living with Zhan. Although Zhan mostly ignored Yibo but Yibo was happy that at least he's living under one roof with Zhan.

Yibo used to take good care of Zhan. He would bring whatever Zhan wished for. Yibo bought many toys and clothes for the baby.

On the other side, Zhan was also happy that Yibo is treating him so well. This is what he always wanted. He wanted to forgive Yibo but thought not to as he wanted to punish Yibo a little more. Zhan thought that on the day he decides to forgive Yibo he'll tell yibo about this baby's father.


Mianmian, Wen Qing and Wen Ning used to tease Zhan by saying that finally Zhan has got a handsome boyfriend. They would also ask when Zhan is gonna marry Yibo since Yibo has already shifted to Zhan's apartment. Zhan would just ignore their teasing.

Xue yang was also happy for Yibo. He'd give tips to Yibo about how to please Zhan and get his attention.

Xue yang had a boyfriend named Xiao Xing chen. Xue yang had experience of 'how to please your angry wifey'.

Haikuan was also happy for Yibo. He told his parents about Yibo and Zhan but didn't told them about Zhan's pregnancy. They had no problem with it because according to them 'Zhan is best son in law for them, no one can take Zhan's place, Zhan is precious'.


2 months more passed. Zhan was now 6 months pregnant. Yibo forbade Zhan from going to office. He told Zhan to do his work from home. Zhan was against this decision but finally he agreed for his baby's safety.

In these months, Zhan's behavior got somewhat normal with Yibo. He used to talk to Yibo unlike before. He used to call Yibo for help and Yibo would gladly do Zhan's work.

Zhan didn't told his family about his pregnancy. He'd talk normally with his parents. He didn't wanted his parents to take tension.


Just like this one month more passed. Zhan used to throw tantrums on Yibo. He used to demand for anything anytime and Yibo would gladly do that. Yibo really liked to pamper Zhan, although Zhan's mood swings troubled him a lot but it's OK as long as he's with Zhan.

Zhan already told mianmian and Wen siblings about his past since they ate his brain asking about his past. They felt bad for Zhan but they were happy that Zhan is taking revenge from Yibo.

Zhan teased Yibo a lot during these 3 months since Zhan started talking with Yibo normally.


One day Zhan told Yibo to sleep with him in his room. Yibo wanted to refuse but seeing Zhan's puppy eyes Yibo couldn't do so.

Yibo and Zhan slept on one bed, Zhan tightly hugged Yibo and slept.

Yibo was happy that Zhan has started to forgive Yibo and that day isn't much far when Yibo and Zhan will start living like a happy, loving couple.

Yibo guessed that this baby in Zhan's stomach maybe his because whenever Yibo touches Zhan's belly, the baby kicks. Still Yibo wants Zhan to tell the truth himself.


Yibo came back home late. It was almost evening. There was no light in the house. He called for Zhan but got no reply. Yibo got tensed. Suddenly someone hugged Yibo from behind. Yibo understood from the smell who it is, also the big belly.

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