Winter Morning (Cold Levi x Reader)

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Note: I have no excuse. I just had zero motivation to write. But I got new chapters done!

You stirred as you slowly woke up, already knowing that there was no reason to actually start the day yet, as you had no plans to work for the next week. Even before opening your eyes, you felt a few sunbeams hitting your face. You greeted them with a grumble, pulling the covers over you further before burying your head under your pillow.

Your movements annoyed Levi, despite him still being asleep, who laid in bed with you. He was pressed closely against you, basically clinging to your body like a koala. He's not a clingy or cuddly person by nature, never was, but being in a relationship with you, especially during the winter season, bought him the perfect excuse to snuggle closer

He muscular arm had been beneath your head as he laid on his side, the other one gently resting on your lower back, your chests pressed together. Both his legs were tangled with yours, his nose in your soft hair. He had been sleeping comfortably.

Until you started to stir.

Now, as you had turned onto your stomach and slightly away form him, blankets shielding your body from his, Levi was waking up fully, too.

He opened his eyes, brows furrowed and mind still groggy. With a frown, he glanced around the bed to see you with the covers wrapped around you.

He groaned at your annoying ass stealing them again. "(Y/n)." he mumbled and moved to your side, grabbing at the blanket.

"Hm?" you hummed.

"You took the damn blanket. Again." he pulled at it and shifted closer to share. He wrapped it over his shoulders, resting his head back down on his pillow, while glaring daggers into you.

"Sorry. Cold?" you asked, brushing your cold feet against his.

Levi hissed. "Shit. Don't do that." he kicked you gently before draping his leg over your hip.

You chuckled. "It's not just my feet. It's the weather."

"Your feet made it worse, dumbass." he grumbled and buried his face against your shoulder as you still lay on your stomach. "Turn over."

"No. My tummy needs to warm up." you mumbled, not moving.

"Did you just use the word tummy?" he asked in disbelief as he raised his head to look at the back of yours.

You couldn't suppress a smile as you turned around and stretched your arms over your head. With a yawn, you glanced at his grumpy morning face and let out a quiet snort as you saw his hair.

Levi glared at you and slowly moved closer, his leg still over your hip. After he placed his head on your chest beneath your chin, you softly started to run your fingers through his hair.

"That's another way to warm me up." you mumbled with a tired smile.

"Just be quiet." he said.

You chuckled at that but stayed quiet. For the next couple of minutes, the only thing that could be heard were the sweet noises of morning rain hitting the window and birds chirping in the distance.

"Levi?" you asked quietly.

He hummed, not looking up from where his face was buried in your shirt. You gently scratched at his scalp as you thought of what to say.

"Do you want to move in with me?"

You didn't exactly know why you wanted to talk about that at this moment, but you've thought about it for a while now. You and Levi hadn't been together for long, but your friendship had bloomed since almost ten years.

While he didn't have a place on his own, but lived here in the headquarters, you yourself did own a small house in Trost.

Levi didn't answer for a while, seemingly in thought, when actually, he was simply speechless. You wanted him to move in with you?

"Levi?" you asked when he didn't answer.

"Why....would you suggest something like that? We haven't been together that long." he said, trying to avoid answering the question.

"I know." you replied. "I just thought you might be more comfortable having your own place." you shrugged, before stopping your movements. "Doesn't it suck to live here?"

He grunted. "It does, but it's not like it's worth buying something. Who knows how long I'll live."

"Have you forgotten who you are?" you chuckled. "You aren't gonna die. Ever, probably."

"Now you're just talking out of your ass."

"I'm serious." you rolled your eyes. "Move in with me." you mumbled. "Please. You'll get a lot of extra stuff to clean, cause I'm never doing it."

"That's number one reason to reject your offer." he grumbled and finally looked up, titling his head slightly with a raised eye brow.

You gave him a look.

Levi sighed. "I don't want to be a bother by living off of you."

"Who said you'd be a bother or live off of me?" you frowned. "It's not like you would depend on me or some shit. We'll live together. Just like a married couple."

"We aren't married."


Levi sighed again and rubbed his eyes. "It's not that I don't want-"

"Then why not just say yes or no?"

He looked at you, thinking. He's always been bad at wording out his thoughts and emotions. How could he express his desires to be with you without sounding like a complete fool?

He laid his head back down. "I've never done this before." he mumbled.

Your brows furrowed. "Uh....I know."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know. That's not what I meant." he said. "I meant that...tch, shit...I just don't want to mess things up."

You started to stroke his back gently as you listened. You knew of his struggles and you understood him, supported him. Even though it was difficult, you never saw it as an issues that was big enough to stop you from being with him.

"It's way to early to give you a speech about how much I love you, so I'll just say it." you started. "I love you, and the only thing you'll probably mess up is trying to convince me to clean my house better."

He let out a snort at your last remark. He smiled just a tiny bit. "You're an idiot."

"Your idiot." you smirked and kept drawing circles on his back. "I want to continue sleeping by the way."

"I don't."

"Can I-"

"Just shut up and close your eyes. I'll stay."

You wanted to reply, but heard in his tone that he's still way to grumpy. Like every morning. You didn't complain though. He only ever started to really sleep in, or at all, when you two began your relationship.

"I'll move in if that's what you want." was the last thing your heard before you two kept on cuddling for the rest of the morning.

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now