In her bed (Levi x Reader)

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Note: Part 2 of "In his bed". It's not necessary to read the first one to understand this. Enjoy!

You dried your hair with a towel while looking into the mirror. The expedition today was a little more strenuous than usual. You were tired and just wanted to go to bed.

"(Y/n)?" called a cheerful voice. "Hellooooo? Here's your best friend! Hellooo?"

"I'm here Hanji." You called back, chuckling a little. This woman could never run out of energy. Not even after a monster expedition such as the one today where you were up working for hours without many breaks stopped her from having this positive and motivated aura.

She appeared in the door way and stared at you with big eyes. "Ohhh! What in the titan butt did you do with our dear Levi?! I have never seen him this....relaxed!" She screamed and walk up to you, putting her hands on your shoulders and looking deep into your eyes.

"I dont know what you mean." you giggled and shrugged your shoulders innocently.

"Oh, I know this look! What did you do? Tell me! Did you poison him? Did he fall asleep in your arms like a baby? Is this why his eye bags disappeared a little." She pressed her forehead against yours. "Did you two finally do i-"

"Hange!" You scowled her and stepped away to throw the wet towel over the door so it could dry.

"Tell me!" She screamed again and shook your shoulders.

You smiled a little and blushed, but instead of saying anything you just walked into your bedroom again and took your coat.

"I'm leaving now." you said with a teasing wave. "Lock the door when you leave."

"Hey, you can't leave me like this!" She whined and stumbled after you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Levi sat at his desk and worked on some papers. He was unusually relaxed as he moved the pen along the file. It was noon and he was a little tired, but otherwise he was just too much in a good mood to care.

The two of you had recently taken a step further into your relationship. A very big step, which took a little over a year of being together to happen.

You both had slept together for the first time and Levi has never felt more awake. He didn't know he could be this.....human. He didn't think he would ever do something like this. He never had a reason to think about it.

He couldn't stop thinking about it.

Not just the sex, but being this close to you in general. He loved it when he felt his body against yours with your hands intertwined. Those sounds you made were from now on his favorites.

Never in his whole life had Levi felt so loved.

He rubbed his forehead. God, he's thinking like a teenager who has his first girlfriend. Just that he is a grown ass man who feels like giggling his heart out.

He let out a loud huff. "Stupid brat."

Someone knocked on the door. He glared at the papers in front of him. Speaking of the devil....

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now