25. Morning angry sex

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Patrick Cowley

I look down to see Veronica wrapped in my duvet eyes closed, her ebony black hair covering the pillows, I watch her sleep like the creepy boyfriend I am. As any decent boyfriend would do, I'm sure. Her tanned cheeks were slightly red and flushed, her lips apart slightly covered by a strand of hair. I carefully move the strand from her lips causing her to stir and nestle her head into my chest. We stay like that for a few more minutes until I decide to get up to go to the bathroom.

I slowly move her arm from around me trying not to wake her up. Unsuccessfully. Though I don't realise that until after I turned around content with myself that I had managed to get out of bed without waking her.

"Mission accomplished," I mutter.

"Not quite." I hear a sleep-full voice reply grabbing my arm, pulling me back onto the bed.

"Oh for god's sake, I was sure I didn't wake you this time." I scoff.

"I know," she smiles. "You're so cute when you try, sometimes I just try to wake up after you so you can try." She confesses making me roll my eyes.

I smirk slightly raising my eyebrow as I put one of my legs on the other side of her hip, caging her in. "Really?"

She hums smiling wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me to her before whispering into my ear. "Yes really, your such a teddy bear Ricky." She coos.

I lift an eyebrow unamused. "I'll show you something, let's see if you still feel the same way you little bra-"

I'm interrupted by my phone ringing playing Michelle by Sir Chloe telling me it's Ciara calling.

I get up irritated at my loss of morning sex, and I wrap a towel around my waist. "Five seconds," I tell Veronica.

"Yes, mon ange? This better be important I was just about to get my angry sex."

"Wasn't last night enough?" Veronica laughs getting up holding my sheets around her to cover herself as she walked to the bathroom.

"Not after what you said, and besides you can still walk, I'm not done," I say back indicating with my hands for her to sit back down.

She rolls her eyes and continues walking into the toilet.

"Such a brat," I mutter to myself.

I carry on watching her walk into the bathroom, forgetting about my phone call until I'm brought back to the present as I hear muffled crying from the phone.

"Cia? Cia, what's the matter?" I ask panicking.

"He's in the mafia Ricky, he's in the mafia." She cries out before spewing a whole lot of incomprehensible words.

"Mon amour, j'ai besoin que tu te calmes ok? Respire juste l'amour, respire." I say in French panicking.

"I don't speak French, you French whatnot, what would you do if I started speaking Italian?"

"I'd call you an Italian whatnot." I smile wryly.

"I fucking hate you." She chokes out.

"Just explain, everything," I mutter.

"So you know when I left yesterday from lunch, well it was Leo calling about Aiden..."

As she finishes explaining and I feel my breathing getting harried and panic shoots through my veins as I comprehend the dangerous situation we're in. How could he do that with Everleigh?

"HE'S IN THE WHAT?" I scream into the phone, pacing my room still not being able to fully understand.

"Patrick he's the Mafia, he's the don of the fucking Slovakian Mafia." She repeats. And the first thought that comes to my head was the fact that I told her that he could be in the Mafia.

If we look past the fact that I was joking.

"Holy shit, Cia," I mutter running a hand through my hair. "Are you serious?"

"Oh, no Patrick I'm just having a laugh, what the fuck is wrong with you. MY EX-HUSBAND IS IN THE MAFIA!"

"I really believe this conversation would make so much more sense if it wasn't over the phone, shall I come over?" I ask, now getting dressed.

"No, I look like such a mess, I've been crying since yesterday." She admits, and my blood boils for the bastard who caused it. " And besides you've got Veronica round at yours."

"My morning sex can wait, I'll be there in five, I'll see you soon angel, it'll be ok I promise  everything will be, trust me ok?" I say more to reassure myself as well as her and I hang up, not being able to bear her answer because we both knew this would not be getting better any soon. I quickly write a note to Veronica explaining why I won't be home and get ready to go help Ciara.

Fucking Aiden son of a bitch, my jaw ticks as I try find my cars keys. Ciara had loved him, put so much faith in him and to found out the fucker had not only left her but had the audacity to stalk her, use her best friend to get information about her. He was going to pay.

He was going to pay for hurting her.


Im back bitches. U lot need to comment more yk im not getting back any feedback I write on my message board asking for ur opinion on what I should write next. Guess what. None of u reply thx a bunch besties. I make an aesthetic none of u give me ur opinion my lord I only want u to talk :(.

Patricks pov cos u lot love him so much. More than aiden some how who acc is them ian character.

What do u think of Veronica?

What do u think of Patricks pov? Do you want more of it??


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