I'll Be There

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tw// description of natural childbirth

Louis leaned his head on his hand and stared at the blackboard. It was Tuesday morning and he was sitting in math class, trying not to fall asleep while squeezed uncomfortably behind his desk. He watched the teacher write another trigonometric function on the board and begin to solve it, while explaining it to the half asleep students.

Louis put his pen down, straightening his back with a sigh as he leaned back on his chair, his bump sticking out. He was 9 months pregnant, due any day now and his back was hurting as hell. The last thing he wanted to do was sit on the hard wooden chair in the classroom, listening to all that math bullshit.

He felt a sharp kick at the side of his stomach, making him wince. He placed his hand on his belly, rubbing the spot gently. Suddenly, a random faint pain shot through his back, making him frown a little. He sat up straight, waiting for anything else to happen but when nothing happened, he just shrugged it off. He's been getting a lot of random pains lately, the third trimester getting the best out of him.

He sighed, leaning back, trying to soothe the moving baby in his stomach. He ignored the disgusted look on the face of a random girl sitting at the desk across the room and he glanced at the clock.

A few seconds later, the school bell rang and everyone started gathering their stuff and leaving the room. Louis stayed seated until most of the other students left and then he stood up with a bit of struggle, holding onto the desk. He felt the teacher staring at him as he quickly gathered his textbook and pens and turned around to leave. When he walked past the teacher's desk, they made eye contact and he gave him a smile.


The teacher didn't say anything, quickly dodging his sight and pretending to shuffle the papers on his desk. Louis quickly walked out of the class, closing the door behind himself and leaning on it for a moment.

"Fuck you." He mumbled before letting go of the door and waddling down the hallway.

People were getting out of his way, avoiding him as if he had some kind of extremely contagious disease. Louis was quite used to it as it's been going on for the past 5 months ever since everyone found out he was pregnant, but it still hurt his feelings.

He wrapped one arm around his bump, keeping his head down as he waddled down the hallway as quickly as possible. He could hear students whispering and laughing behind his back and he could feel the rage and sadness rising in him. But when he heard an unmistakable clicking sound of the phone camera, he clenched his fists and swiftly turned around to the long-haired blonde girl who was giggling and showing the photo to her two friends.

"Who do you fucking think you're taking photos of ?" He hissed, walking to her and trying to smack the phone out of her hand. She just giggled, holding the phone high up above Louis' head where he couldn't reach it. She was taller than him and even wearing heels so he had absolutely no chance of getting the phone.

"Oh no, our little whore is angry." She said in a disgustingly affected voice and her band giggled as if she said something incredibly funny.

Louis clenched his fists. "Give me that fucking phone." He tried to reach for it once more, almost losing his balance and falling over when she held it even higher. That sent the whole hallway into the wave of laughter and Louis wanted to cry, feeling his eyes filling with tears.

The blonde girl took another picture of him with a disgusting smile. "Careful little whore, you're gonna kill your kid and then you're gonna cry buah buah." She mimicked him crying and her band was dying of laughter next to her.

An unbelievable wave of rage raised in Louis' chest as he ran to her, kicking her ankle. She squealed in pain, dropping the phone on the floor. "You little bitch!"

I'll Be There (larry mpreg one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now