Chapter two

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When we got in Starbucks it was empty, only two people were in there, I ordered a grande vanilla bean frappachino, Jc ordered a vente sea salt crisp coffee, once we got our drinks we sat down, Jc was on his laptop editing his videos, I was on Instagram scrolling through my feed, I saw the funny picture Ariana grande posted, I took a picture of Jc on his laptop you could only see his eyes looking at the screen, I thought it was really cute so I captioned the picture " Hanging with the Bæ💋" I refreshed that picture to see if anyone has liked it, when I looked at the likes I got thirty likes, but then I noticed Jc commented something, he said " I think your beautiful Kat,post pics of yourself...not me😋" I commented back saying " Nuuuu! Ur my BÆ I will post pictures of you if I want😨😘❤️💋💟🌹😋!" He looked up at me and blew a kiss, i pretended to catch it and put it in my heart, then I blew him a kiss and he pretended to catch it and then put it on his lips. While I was still on my phone then I heard Jc say "OH NO!" I looked up and saw Jc's Ex-girlfriend Lia-Marie Johnston, while she wasn't looking I gave her the middle finger, she came in with her "Crew" Lia came over and said "Who is this little hoe?" She said asking Jc, I said to myself " If you want to see her look in a mirror sister!" Jc yelled at her "SHES NOT A HOE YOUR THE FUCKING HOE!!" Lia got mad and stormed off. I said to Jc "Wow..that was...wo-" Jc yelled at me " Don't fucking talk to me!" He grabbed his laptop and ran out the door and drove away.


Starbucks is really far away from our house, cause our house is on a mountain, I thought to myself "JUST GREAT!!" As I was walking up the mountain I finally reached the property gates, they were locked so I had to climb over them but right as I hopped down the gates opened, Jc drove past me then he backed up he asked me " Do you want me to drive you up to the house?" "NO!, I'm fine, I can just walk up the rest like I did up the mountain!" I shot back, " Okie Dokie then" Jc replied, then he ripped his engine and sped down the hill. I had this look on my face 😔.

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