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Chapter 1: The First Day

Autumn. Brand new day in the same old town. Life moves on uneventfully, and students wait for someone to flip their lives upside down. I never expected you to come into my life. I never expected to fall.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Jiji opened her eyes groggily, waking up to the sight of the duck-themed calendar on her ceiling. September 5th. Large red letters read "THE BEGINNING." It was the first day of school. They say new year, new you. After seeing the time, Jiji got up quickly, determined to make the saying a reality. Well, at least in terms of the school year.

Tigger jumped off the bed, sitting down and licking his orange fur nonchalantly. He stared at his owner as she frantically brushed her teeth and threw on her uniform.

Jiji ran into the kitchen, grabbing a croissant and shoving books in her bag. Amused by her panic, Jun greeted his sister with a smirk, trying to think of something to mess with her.

"Whoa, sis, stop freakin' out. You know it's the end of daylight savings time, right?"

"Dude, you literally tried to pull that one on me last year. I've learned well enough that daylight savings time is in November. School hasn't even started!" Jiji exclaimed, exasperated.

"Okay, fine. But you better hurry up! The bus will be here in like two minutes," her brother reminded her.

Jiji rushed out of the café, leaving the doors to slam behind her, and ran to the bus stop with her bag open. She checked her bag while she waited for the bus, which thankfully had not arrived yet. Letting out a sigh of relief, she took a moment to take in the beautiful sights of fall, even if just at a public bus stop. The leaves showcased brilliant shades of oranges, reds, and purples, floating to the ground in the gentle autumn breeze. Jiji closed her eyes and felt the crisp September air cool down her face. I wish this could last forever.

The sound of old brakes brought her out of her trance, and she opened her eyes. Instead of seeing the bus, she saw a tall boy moving towards the vehicle, wearing her school's uniform.

Was he there the whole time? And he didn't even say hi? He didn't even look back at me. Jiji sat down, slightly irritated, but promptly forgot about the boy as she started to watch the trees pass by the window.

Tae Seok glanced over the map for what must have been the fiftieth time that night.

I know how to read maps. Why is this so confusing?! He ran his hands through his hair and clutched his duck plush desperately like it might offer him some newfound wisdom.

"Why, Duckworth, WHY?!" He yelled, fake sobbing and shaking the cursed piece of paper in the air. Staring at his stack of papers he needed to bring to school the next day, he wondered–or more accurately, worried–about what his new environment would be like. Are the classrooms big and cold? Were the students and professors worse than the last ones? How will I get around the school if I can't even read a stupid map?!

He threw himself on his bed, resigned. "Maybe someone nice will help me. What do you think, Duckworth?" He asked, holding the stuffed animal in the air above him. Duckworth stared back at him blankly. "You're right. I should know by now that I can't hope for the best."

Tae Seok turned off his lamp and got into bed, thinking about how fast life was going. Images of new faces ran through his mind as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

He had only arrived in town that afternoon, after driving 8 hours with his Aunt Eun Ji to stay at her house.

After the school year had ended, she invited him to stay with her in Massachusetts.

"Aunt Eunie," Tae Seok had said over the phone, "don't you live in one of those microscopic towns that they don't even put on maps?"

"First, while it is not on most maps, it isn't really that tiny. It feels much larger when you live here," his aunt explained. " We even have a world-famous coffee shop!" Aunt Eunie bragged.

Tae Seok knew the coffee shop in town was pretty good (Tae Seok had tried the coffee once when he went on vacation and he continued to order at least 3 drinks during every visit to his Aunt), but he considered if that was reason enough to move away from his friends and family.

He scanned his nearly empty apartment, then picked up the picture of him and his family that sat on his desk. The young faces seemed so happy, so found. Little Tae Seok had a dark bruise on his cheek, but he smiled up at his parents nonetheless.

A tear formed in the teenager's eye.

What's left for me here?

"I'll go. But let me work for the summer, and I'll be there before school starts. Love you Auntie," he added, hanging up the phone.

Tae Seok walked to the bus stop nervously, fidgeting with the envelope in his hand. He considered turning around and walking back home.

"Remember, no matter how much you don't want to go to school, I will not be home to open the door. So don't even try." Aunt Eunie's voice ran through his mind.

Sighing, Tae Seok put the map in his pocket, and took in his surroundings. He noticed that there was already a girl there. She had her head back, and was smiling with her eyes closed. If only I could be that peaceful right now, he thought, rubbing his neck.

Soon enough, the bus arrived, and Tae Seok walked quickly up the steps and hastened to find a seat. However, once he boarded the bus, he realized that the bus was mostly empty, except for a few students. Why was I even worried? Nobody even lives in this town, and Aunt Eunie lives in the smallest neighborhood, he rolled his eyes.

Tae Seok glared at the gaudy color-changing leaves as the bus made its way to the school. He watched the leaves float through the air as he felt his fear weigh him down.

I'm almost there. 

Hey readers!

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of Nook in the Forest, it means so much to me! My plan is to upload one chapter every Monday. I encourage you to keep reading, and don't forget to vote on each chapter and add the story to your library. Thanks again!!!!

Lots of love,

kuhtay <3

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