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Chapter 5: Confusion

"They gave you a job?! I'm so happy for you!! You love that place," Aunt Eunie's voice was just as animated over the phone.

"Yeah..." Tae Seok drifted into a mental dissertation of that day's events while searching the room for nothing in particular, hanging up on his aunt after running out of words to say.

Interacting with the two siblings left him contemplating his life choices. He walked out of the doors, moving mechanically towards the bench right outside. Deep in thought, he didn't even notice the orange cat that appeared next to him a few moments after he began ranting to himself.

"...And of course that girl works here. She definitely hates me. And I hate her, at least after her whole outburst after school. Should I have even come here to ask for help? Well, technically, my aunt told me to go. Why would she even do that? She probably knew these two idiots worked here. I just wanted a job! A nice, simple, easy job. Nothing crazy, no manual labor." He buried his face in his hands. "Why is this so annoying? Why would she...?" Tae Seok turned his attention to the orange fluff ball next to him.

"You don't think..."

The cat turned its head, confused.

Did she set this up?

Determined, Tae Seok stood up and walked back into the café, where he found Jiji and Jun fighting over a slice of cake.

Jiji was gesturing wildly at her brother. "...So it should totally be mine! I worked extra hours this week because you-"

"No! I made the cake, so I should have the last piece. Also, I got it out of the fridge!" Jun argued, pulling the plate towards him.

"You know I did most of the work! All you did was wash the strawberries and..." Jiji continued to argue, while Tae Seok looked on in disbelief.

Tae Seok's resolve faltered at the inane debate occurring in front of him. Nonetheless, he took a few steps forward to attract the attention of the two in front of him. It was to no avail, as they gave their undivided attention to the pastry between them. The cake moved back and forth with the plate as each new contention surfaced. Tae Seok's eyes watched the delicacy dance precariously near the edge of the ceramic. He shifted his focus to the conversation.

"...Not to mention you" –Jiji jabbed her brother in the chest with an accusing finger– "invited that weirdo to work here! He hates me and tried to assault me for no reason."

"Actually, he did not assault you. Secondly, it wasn't me. I had to," Jun shrugged, placing the plate on the counter to rest his chin in his palm.

"Why?" Tae Seok cut in, causing them to whip around and face him.

Jun's countenance transitioned from exasperated to accommodating, and a friendly grin immediately followed.

"Because you seem like a nice guy. And you could keep my sis here in line." Jun winked, wrapping his arm around his sister. "You look like you could learn to make pastries. At least, better than Jiji can make them."

Tae Seok regarded his words incredulously, but the blush on Jiji's cheeks seemed to imply that Jun's words may have held a little bit of truth.


Hey guys! Sorry the chapter was really short, I started working full time this week and it's been hectic finishing school and figuring out paperwork. Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter, and I'll work my hardest on the next one. Stay tuned and I'll see you next Monday! <3

- kuhtay

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