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Chapter 4: Surprise

Rejected. Rejected papers, rejected truth, rejected friendships. And now, a rejected apology. In all his seventeen years, Tae Seok found that rejection was something he became all too familiar with.

Even now, as he stood with his eyes to the ground, the dull ache of regret barely pulled on his heartstrings. The quiet apology left his tongue far too late for anyone to have heard it, and the length of time it took even for that to happen shocked him. Usually, he drowned his target in apologies until they had no choice but to forgive him. And usually, the person left, sick of the doormat he knew he was.

He knew he probably should have been angry or annoyed, but all he felt was resignation. He knew he messed up. He knew it was all his fault.

But he knew it was time to move on. He forced his legs to move and he picked up his bag, moving robotically to pursue a new goal: finding a job.

Aunt Eunie had left him with a specific set of instructions on how to get to the café he visited every time he came to town. The only problem was that he dropped them before he could even comprehend the directions. Then they fell into the street and a car splashed water on them.

I'm sure somebody knows where it is, Tae Seok thought, walking in the direction he saw the girl walk. At least I know something is this way, even if it's just the bus stop.

Taking in the beautiful autumn day, he kept walking confidently, determined to find the place himself. Eventually, he saw a big sign past a large maple tree that read, "nook in the forest," with a picture of coffee and waffles against a backdrop of foliage.

That wasn't so hard. Maybe today won't be as horrible as I thought. Tae Seok smiled with newfound confidence. He took a step and glanced down to see his ankle submerged in a puddle that he had thought was a pile of leaves.

"Okay, point taken."

Whirrrrrrr. Jiji blended ice and coffee with a sugar syrup, discreetly looking past the machines to evaluate the boy sitting by the counter. The tall mysterious figure was merely a customer. A stranger.

Well, not exactly.

He was also a weirdo. That's what Jiji decided after the tenth time she saw him studying her out of the corner of her eye when he thought she wasn't looking.

She placed the order on the counter, eyeing the approaching customer suspiciously as he kept his gaze on the floor and nearly spilled the drink trying to grab it. He brushed his sandy brown hair out of his face, allowing Jiji to catch a glimpse of his dark chocolate eyes before his bangs fell back in place.

"S-sorry," he stuttered, making eye contact for a split second and gulping before he looked back at the ground and sprinted out of the café.

Jiji faintly heard him shout once he left, but paid no mind. Cleaning the counters and sweeping the floor, she subconsciously accounted for all the appliances. The customer had left her uneasy, and she wondered if there was something wrong with the café. Was it so horrible in here that the customers can't even meet my eye? Jiji furrowed her brow as she tried to think of every possible situation.

"Jiji," a voice whispered in her ear.

Jumping, she found her brother standing behind her, a devilish grin plastered across his face.

"LOL, you should have seen your face! Priceless," Jun mimed wiping a tear from his eye. His sister just glared at him, and moved to watch the door for customers. Jun just kept grinning, but Jiji's eyes widened as they met those of a certain boy standing in the middle of the lobby.

"He's been standing there for a while. Do you know him? Or is it just 'stare at Jiji' day?" Jun snickered. Jiji smacked him despite her internal agreement at his statement.

Why is everyone being so irritating today? Jiji tensed as she returned her attention to the person who was now standing closer to the counter.

"Hey, um..." He rubbed his neck awkwardly, averting his gaze to the floor.

"You-" Jiji started to yell.

"How can I help you?" Her brother interrupted, shooting a dirty look at Jiji.

"Well first of all I wanted to say sorry. To Jiji," he made a gesture with his hand without showing his face. "Also, I love this place, and I was wondering if you guys knew where to find a job," he asked earnestly.

Jiji felt a wave of indignation go over her body as she considered her options. She could 1) kick him out, 2) yell at him and then kick him out, or 3) get really infuriated and run away. In her honest opinion, option 3 sounded pretty good. Then, he lifted his head.

Those brown eyes were pleading, just asking her for all the pity her heart could offer. She wondered how many people had caved to that perfectly rehearsed puppy-dog look.

"Do you want to work here?" Jun asked, bringing Jiji back to the real world.

"Jun, what are you-" Jun silenced her by covering her mouth.


"I thought you weren't hiring."

"Do you want a job or not?" Jun raised an eyebrow, challenging the stranger.
"Well, yes, but-"

"Nice doing business with you. I'm Jun," he introduced himself, shaking the teenager's hand and flashing him a bright smile.

"I'm Tae Seok," Tae Seok responded uneasily, looking from Jiji to her brother. Jiji just shrugged.

"I'm Jiji."

"Well, it was cool to meet you Tae Seok," Jun smiled, and moved closer to him. "But just so you know, I don't plan on letting my sister keep falling for you," he added, pulling away.

"I HEARD THAT!" Jiji yelled, following her brother into the back of the café.

Tae Seok stood dumbfounded.

"What just happened?"

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the story!!! don't forget to vote for this chapter if you enjoyed it <3 See you next week

- kuhtay

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