mind over matter

995 36 12

Back to Black 

"That must've really affected him..." Xie Lian sat before the calligraphy table as Hua Cheng lazily doodled on it rather than practicing his writing. "Gege this may sound rude but you might want to leave him alone..." Xie Lian spun around. "How can I leave him alone?" Hua Cheng placed the brush down before continuing. "I mean Blackwater... it may not seem like it but I truly believe he regrets what he did to the Ex-Wind Master." "Maybe that is the case but this seems just like a bit too much for him to deal with." Xie Lian rubbed his temple before turning around again. "I'm sorry gege." Xie Lian smiled before walking over to hug Hua Cheng from behind. "Don't be you didn't do anything." 


Shi Qingxuan had been heading for Blackwater's lair for a few days. He wasted all of the spiritual powers the demon had left him before so now he was solely travelling on foot. He had finally reached a cliff and as he looked over it he saw the furious seas in Blackwater's lair. "Finally..." He whispered to himself. 

The rocks down were really unstable but after an hour he managed to get down with just a few scrapes around his ankles from the jagged edges. "Ships sink in Blackwater's lair... what about humans?" He wondered aloud as he watched the waves crashing. After a few minutes of pondering, he noticed the sun slowly slipping into the night and decided "What the fuck." 

Without another moment of thought and a chance to rethink he grabbed his small bag and dove into the rough ocean. Surprisingly he didn't sink immediately but swimming in this level of high tide was no easy feat. It felt as though a constant weight was attempting to pull him further into the ocean. All of a sudden it felt as though he had been chained down by a million weights, at this moment he knew he had finally come closer to Blackwater's underwater lair.

If there was any place he would be it would be here. Some ghosts were roaming around the island with lanterns but as long as they didn't see him it would be fine.


"New orders from the top." Countless ghosts emerged from the forests on the island to crowd around the leader. "Something has happened. Call off the search. 200 ghosts will be sent to keep an eye on the target and make sure they don't get in trouble and the other thousand will return to regular duties." 


Shi Qingxuan saw them grouping up together, ducking lower to try and avoid being spotted which backfired quickly as he swallowed a large mouthful of salt water. As he choked and spluttered it out, a large tidal wave slammed over him, causing an involuntary cry to escape his lips, calling all the ghost's attention over to him... fucking hell.

His eyes were filled with water and he'd already ingested probably half of the fucking sea around the island, but even with how his eyes felt teary and were blurred... he could see something swimming towards him. Something large... and white... and boney. 

One of the large bone dragons of Blackwater's lair shot towards him before he could even blink (of course that would've just gotten more seawater in his eyes), coiling its large cold tail around him and pulling him deeper and deeper, to the familiar entrance of Blackwater's secret lair... 

But with the lack of oxygen, his mortal form couldn't take it and he blacked out right as the doors opened to the manor, letting him and the bone dragon inside, shining a pale light onto him as his vision faded out. 

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