You... Were Sold Out...! (The First Week, Part I)

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A helicopter is seen flying over waters as it heads to a casino, moving its light around to try and catch the group. Inside the casino however, some guy knocks his red chips over, as a woman in a pink top holds his arm, as they both look worried as many people in black suits and sunglasses run around, looking around for some one.

A figure jumps from the top of each game booth to another, as he avoided detection from the people below.

Random guy: There's Something here...!

The figure quickly jumped up into the air, landing on one of the lights as the random guy looked at where that figure last stood, as three more men dressed in black came out of a door and looked around.

Man in black: Keep your eyes open... The bastard must be here somewhere!

MIB 2/3: Sir! 

The figure stuck to the wall like glue, jumping as far as he could as he held a grey case in the left hand. Said figure made it to a light, where the might light shined into the building, as he just smirked as someone pointed to him.

Random guy 2: Hey... Up there! 

That guys loud shouting got the men in black guys to look at the man and where he was pointing to him, as he spoke into his earpiece.

Man in black 1: He's here. Move in Immediately!

???: Heh...

As the three men got closer and closer to the light the guy was standing on, he quickly made haste and jumped off it as his team spoke to him through the coms they all had.

???: Good, Now get running! 

???: Agreed. This is our only chance! 

???: Stay calm! You can get away now!

The figure jumped across a pink thing to the other side, as he spoke back to the girl.

???: Hey! I'm always calmed!

Before the girl could even bite back, another girl, one that sounded a little bit more mature, spoke up, as the figure kept running.

???: Will you two stop fighting....? *sigh* We'll retrieve the briefcase on our end.

Since you all had the coms opened, you could hear a random transmission in the line, making the figure halt their running.

Mysterious Transmission: Suspects...not...confirmed... hold... your... positions.. over.

???: Oracle? What was that? 

Oracle: I'm not sure...

???: Don't worry about that right now, or us. Just concentrate on getting away! But I have to say, showing yourself above that crowd earlier was an excellent move. Nice work as always, *redacted*

???: Heh... I always wanted to use that as an entrance!

??: I bet Skull wouldn't pull if off that smoothly.

The male figure started to slowly drain the voices out, as it got confusing at times on who was talking as it was a male teen that spoke next, instead of a goofy female voice.

???: This happens because you have no sense for aesthetics. 

As the figure jumped onto the night lights, escaped seemed to be within grasp, only for a bunch of agents to come out and point at him.

Agent: There he is!

???: Shit! Oracle!?

Oracle: Uhh... Go left! Just run and jump!

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