chapter 1 realization

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Kana and aqua were just eating at a restaurant like normal kana kept making jokes and complaining as usual and aqua kept telling storys about animals and how the buildings was build and other things (this proves that aqua is walking encyclopedia)

while kana thought that this was a date meanwhile aqua thought that this was just a way of getting to know each other and just wanted some information about her.

Everything was going well and calm until aqua said this.

"You know arima your fun to talk to"

That phrase made kana flustered and blushed alot

"W- wh- what do you mean im always fun to talk to am i right" kana said quite confident but her thoughts says otherwise 'AQUA WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING YOU IDIOT IM TRYING TO MAKE THIS AS A "FRIENDLY" CONVERSATION AND YOUR TRYING TO MAKE THIS AS A "ROMANTIC" ONE AQUA I DON'T GET YOU AT ALL!' while kana's thoughts were screaming some people walked in and joined their conversation

"Oh aqua-kun long time no see"

"Oh arima hi you've grown alot since the time we met"

It was Akane and Himekawa

Both aqua and kana were shocked to see them here. Kana was happy to see himekawa again while aqua was mad that they interrupted their conversation and getting information about kana.

"Himekawa-san! Nice to see you again what brings you here?"
"Ehh nothing much just came here to eat i forced myself to go outside and eat but i did not expect you to be here" himekawa looked at aqua and kana back and forth "oh were you guys having a date? bad sorry to interrupt" kana and aqua looked at each other and kana almost jumped at her seat "HA?! I and aqua having a date? haha your funny himekawa-san! Me and aqua were just chatting here as "friends" and plus i dont see him as a love interest anyway.. and who would like a gloomy narcissist like him"

"Gloomy..?" Aqua's face says it all
"HAHA aqua? a gloomy narcissist? nice one arima!" as himekawa was laughing his ass off they forgot the existence of akane who was watching the whole thing (why tf did the "HAHA" sound so cringe for some reason)

"Aqua-kun do you mind us eating with you guys?"

" Oh dont ask me ask arima she was the one who wanted to eat and talk here"
Aqua and akane looked at kana "arima do you want th-" aqua's sentence was cut off "of course they can! Himekawa sit next to me!" "Oh sure." Himekawa sat next to kana and akane sat next to aqua

Then kana's phone started to ring and when she looked at who called her smile almost fade but she put back on "ah. Can i take this?" They all agree and kana went outside to answer.

Then there was pure silence at the table no one talked or anything they did not know what to talk to. Usually kana would start up a conversation or make jokes to lighten up the mood but now she isn't here and no one would want to talk but aqua was getting worried because kana have been out for quite a long time now.

Aqua's POV;

' well this is awkward no one is talking usually arima would brought up a conversation by now but since she's not here its quiet and awkward.'

'ten minutes has already past what is taking arima so long and who was calling her? Wait maybe... No i shouldn't think of that.. arima would be just alright... Arima is strong... I know that. So I shouldn't think of those but i should go check on her.'

No one's POV;

As aqua was about to speak someone spoke before him "im gonna go check on kana she has been out for quite a long time now" akane got up and went to find kana then there was only himekawa and aqua left in the table

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