Untitled Part 4

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                                                                                    The First & Last

On the way back to Boulder the Lawyers summarised what they had found. One, Jane Traynor was a cereal adulteress, but why was she in bed with Elijah. Two, Why had the Detectives not searched Logan Traynor's Trailer? Three, Why had he told the Pathologist to look no further? Morales vented his thoughts, "I believe there is more to be found in the Commune" he began. "Why did Logan go to the First & Last and why is he intent on keeping it a secret. I am absolutely sure that the Pathologist report will turn this case on its head, and if my suspicions are correct we could be looking at Police corruption, are you prepared for this? he asked Laya Raybourne. "I am the boss" she replied, "And I agree with all you have said" 
The following day at twelve noon they pulled into the Morgue car park. At first Doctor Rubin Romansky was quiet even embarrassed. "What do you have for us? asked Morales. "Maybe a coffee and a sit down would be in order" he said walking towards the coffee machine which was next to a pre-arranged table. His report was set out in three copies and they all took a seat. "Firstly" he began "The bullets were from the gun of Logan Traynor. Secondly, the bruises were caused by needle injections to both bodies. They were injected with some kind of nerve numbing liquid which caused paralysis of all movement. You are alert but cannot react or speak. Thirdly, There is no evidence of intercourse taking place. I am truly sorry Mr Morales, I was over run with work and if I am being perfectly honest was more than happy to cut short the examination. I will withhold this information and will only release it to the Police or the prosecution on request" "Thank you Doctor" said Morales, "Your discretion is appreciated, I suspect you know what this means" These facts opened up a whole new line of inquiry. This evidence brought into play the honesty of Detectives Crossman and Bouvard. They were the arresting Officers, but why were they not following the established procedure? The First & Last Hotel seemed a reasonable place to start and was where they would visit next. The Hotel itself was known to both Lawyers from previous cases and in all fairness was as seedy as it comes. Situated around two miles outside of the city limits it was a heaven for dishonest sexual encounters. As they approached the front desk manned by a young cocky looking character Morales motioned to Raybourne to let him do the talking. And Raybourne duly obliged. "Hi there my man" he began. A room for myself and my sister. Nothing fancy, but must be private, if you know what I mean" and he winked. "No problem Sir" he answered, "That would be room 410. one hundred dollars for the night including breakfast. I can have someone join you for a further $150, cash only if you don't mind" Morales reached into his pocket, the Clerk held out his hand into which he placed his calling card saying George Morales Attorney at Law for the State of Colorado. "We are representing the accused in the recent shootings in room 401 and you young man will tell me all that you remember of the morning of the 10th of July, the date of the alleged double killings. Now have someone replace you, we will need around thirty minutes of your time" The Clerk called upon an elderly woman who had been watching proceedings. "Is everything all right? she asked. "Fine my dear" said Morales interrupting, "Just need him for a few minutes. Now take your time" he told the Clerk as he took his seat, "And do not miss out any details" The young Clerk whom they now knew as Terry Rawlins duly done as he requested and took fully ten minutes to begin. "The room was booked as usual by George Washington and was paid for in cash" he said, "The only difference was two nights instead of one" Hold on" said Morales, "Who is George Washington? "He is a homeless guy who books the room for some other guy and his lady friend" answered Terry, "Some of the names people use here you would not believe" " Who arrives first? asked Raybourne. "The woman" he answered, "and always escorted by the two Detectives who made the arrest on the 10th of July" Morales produced the photograph of Jane Traynor taken from Logan's Trailer. "Is this the woman? he asked. "Yes it is" answered Terry, "been here many times" "And the man she would meet? asked Raybourne. "Never seen him" answered the Clerk, "You see he could enter with a group of guests and go upstairs of even enter via the fire exit at the rear of the building if it was opened" "On the morning of the incident when did the woman arrive? asked Raybourne, "That's the thing" explained Terry, "She never did. She would come and collect the key, but on that morning it was not collected. I don't know how the people involved got into the room" "Who else has keys? asked Morales. "Only the Hispanic cleaners" was his reply. "And the two Detective? asked Raybourne. "Never spoken to them" answered Terry. The two Lawyers just stared at each other. "What the fuck" was all Morales could say. "What about guests on the fourth floor on that day? asked Raybourne. "I can give you names" said the young Clerk, "but the chances of them being the correct ones I would say are slim at best" "And you have never been questioned by any Police Officer or Prosecution Lawyers? asked Morales. "No never, not once" he replied. "We will have those names now" said Laya Raybourne preparing to take notes. "You can check the registration book on your own" said Terry turning the book to face the Lawyers. There were eight other people on the landing on that date. Five names were super hero's, three sounded genuine. "One of these names must have seen something" said Raybourne taking down the names and numbers.

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