The Final Team and Final Stage

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Part 2: Game of Traitors, Past and Present

Special rule announcement and activation. At the end of this message, one person will be designated from each surviving team. The designation will be spelled out on the terminal of the chosen player. The designation is not random but chosen for the purposes of game balance by the staff and sponsor observing the event. Victory conditions will be altered for the chosen players. The chosen players will leave their teams as betrayers. The betrayers will form a new team that will fight together from this point onward. For a period of time, all weapons will be locked. Transportation will be provided to send the betrayers to the rest of their team, opening up travel to the UNKNOWN area. Now go forth and kill. Your former comrades are now your enemies.

Six teams -- LPFM, SHINC, MMTM, DEVA, T-S, and ZEMAL -- each lost one player to the new group of betrayers. With the formation of the surprise seventh team, the game has fundamentally been changed. As before, last team standing wins, but now if a traitor remains as the last man standing, their original team doesn't win -- the traitorous team does.

As captain of Crimson Squad and a member of LPFM, I could only stare in what may seem like outward nonchalance at my team's betrayer. In all honesty, I'm more stunned by the rules than the selected individual...and it's 100 percent leaning towards the special rule. If we knew the rule beforehand, I could have selected our Judas and kiss her on the forehead before sending her off with five pieces of silver.

"Whoo-hoo! Yeah! It's meeee! Now I get to fight Llenn!"

So when the Satellite Scan confirmed my thoughts, I'm even less surprised than I expected. My mind lateralizes to the other five teams, wondering who their traitors are...and find myself thinking that Boss and the leader of Memento Mori might have been chosen too. As for DEVA, ZEMAL, and T-S, I don't know their teams as well besides the latter two being returnees, so there's no anticipation there. All and all...a ridiculously boring turn of events in terms of team composition, but a thrilling turn of events in that a team of traitors is definitely changing the game.

The other traitors' might be upset by the revelation, but Pitohui is delighted. "Yessss! Yahooooo! I'm! The! Betraaaayer! I'm! The! Betraaaayer! Oh yeah, baby! Loo-loo-loo, la-la-laaa! Ah, how beautiful it is to live the betrayer's life!"

"Aww, you're so lucky, Pito. Switch with me! I'm good at flying, you know. I fly every day in ALO! Exchange terminals with me!" says Fukaziroh.

"Not so fast! This is a very important part of the game set up by the developers. Obey the rules!"

"It had to be you of all people," M grunts. "Well, go on and enjoy yourself, I suppose."

"As if I need to be told that by you! Why don't you focus on not dying before I get the chance to kill you, M?"

"I'll do my best."

"Fine, Pito, I'll kill you!" Fuka chirps happily. "Which would you prefer, plasma gernade or pistol?"

"What? You're a terrible shot with teh pistol, Fuka."

"I mean thatI'll pistol-whip your skull! A hundred blows should do it, right?"

"Ohhh, that sounds painful. I'd become a vegetable from concussions long before that point."

"Ah, that's an option, too."

"But I'll be fine, because you won't get anywhere close to me. If you've got a problem with that, feel free to prove me wrong!" As our maniac and explosive expert banter, my eyes are attracted to a circular flying object that descends to about ten yards away. This must be the transport the announcement spoke of.

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