On My Soul

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The sound of buzzing and laughter filled my ears as I sat in the barbers chair, getting my edges cleaned up for the open mic show tonight. I'm not gon' lie, I'm real nervous for this. Although I've been preparing for this for two weeks now, I still worry about how the crowd gon' accept me. This is kind of like my first time doing a performance, and it's crazy how fast it's happening. I been working at this rap for about a year now. I know some people are like it's long over due, but this kind of stuff take time. With it being a open mic at a club, there could be a scout in the crowd who wanna get my music out there. I know some people are thinking a label or something, but I want to stay independent. The stories I've heard about the industry is something I am not trying to experience.

My barber spun me around toward the mirror while pulling the cape off the front of me and dusting any excess hair off my ear. I leaned closer to the mirror with a small smile on my face as I brushed my hand along my face, checking out my haircut. "You did your thing, Cam. How much I owe you? 40?"

"Don't even worry about it, mayne. Just when you get on, make sure you put me on with all your new rapper friends."

I couldn't help, but laugh and stand up out of the barber's chair. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind, fasho." I reached inside my pocket and pulled out a wad of cash, before pulling out two twenties and putting it in his tip jar. "You comin' to the club tonight, right?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't miss it. Good luck at the show."

"Thanks, man."

I dapped him up before walking toward the exit and heading outside, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through my call log until I got to Juniper's name, clicking it and pulling my phone up to my ear, letting it ring. I was about to hang up when she finally decided to pick up.

"Hey, I was just about to hang up on yo' ass, too." I chuckled.

I could hear her laugh on the other line. "Yeah, I was washing my hands when you rang so I almost missed it, but what's up? You excited for tonight?"

"Mo' nervous than anything, but I'll be straight. I really appreciate you for doing this, but uh, that's not why I called. You tryna get something to eat before you gotta go in?"

"The crowd's gonna love you, I guarantee, but yeah. I should be ready in the next few minutes. Text when you're outside."

"Bet, see you soon."

I hung up the phone after pulling it away from my ear and unlocked my car door, opening it up and getting inside. I wonder would Kamarion want to tag along, but he's probably practicing his DJ set to make sure everything goes right. I respect that about him. When he wants to achieve something, he's going to do just that because he gets locked in on things and perfect it like no other. I can be the same way which is why we get along so well.

I pulled up to Juniper's apartment and shot her a text that I was outside. In a span of a few minutes, she came walking down to my car. I unlocked my car door and smiled once her eyes came in to view with mine. She pulled open the door and sat inside, setting her purse on the floor between her legs.

"Hey, buddy." She smiled while pulling on her seatbelt. 

"What's up? What you been on today?"

"Oh, nothing. Just...you know..." She looked over at me with glare.

I looked back at her as I pulled out of her apartment complex onto the road. "No way. Y'all decided to break up...again...today? Of all days?" I shook my head and let out a small chuckle. "What you do now?"

"What I do? More like what he did!"

"Right. Go 'head." I waved my hand, gesturing her to continue.

"He spent the night last night and some girl called him in the middle of the night and it just pissed me off. Because why are bitches calling you at 2 in the morning?! And why are you answering?" She sighed and crossed her arms, obviously growing frustrated again. "He had us up arguing up until 5 in the morning because he just couldn't be honest."

The entire time she spent explaining their disagreement I couldn't help but gasp. I couldn't believe my boy Kamarion would behave like this. Kamarion is typically a one-woman's man. He's real chill and low key. What she's describing right now is entirely out of his character.

"That don't even sound like 'Mari. You sure it wasn't a homegirl or something? Wrong number type thing?" I looked over at her and she scowled at me. I quickly focused my eyes back on the road.

"I know what I felt, I know what I heard. She was asking him could he come over again. Again." She sighed. "I'm just so embarrassed. Like how many times am I gonna do this to myself?" She leaned her head against the window, staring out at the passing objects.

I couldn't even say anything to that. Her words made me feel her hurt. I reached over and grabbed her hand, giving her a comforting squeeze. "It'll be alright, Juni.."

The rest of the way was silent. At first she was just telling me a story and I guess as she said her words, she could realize how intense this is and how much it hurt her. Typically when Kamarion and Juniper break up, it's over their point of views on certain situations. For example, Kamarion wants Juniper to stop working as a bottle girl and to stop posting certain pictures online or wearing certain clothes, but she feels as though he shouldn't be trying to control her in that aspect. She feels like he should accept her as who she is instead of trying to change her, and I agree with her. He knew she was a bottle girl when he met her, and he would be the main person swiping up on her pictures when she'd post the same pictures he wants her to take down. I just don't get it.

"I'm sorry for putting a damper on the mood." She looked over at me just as I pulled into the restaurant.

"No worries, for real. I understand it. I don't want you feeling down. 'Mari my boy but I gotta make sure you straight too." I sent her a cheeky smile before cutting off the engine and exiting the car.

She exited the car right after me and walked beside me into the restaurant. I grabbed the door, holding it open for the both of us but allowing her to go inside first. We walked up to the host, stating a table for two before being sat.

Sitting at the table, I pulled my phone out of my pocket placing it on the table and looking up at her as she stared at me. "What?"

She quickly looked away, exhaling a breath. "Juni, what's up?"

"Remember how I called you the other night?" She started off and I nodded in response. As she was about to explain herself, our waitress came to the table with her notepad.

"Hi, how are y'all? What can I get y'all started with?"

"Um, let me a water and a strawberry lemonade." I ordered before looking over at Juniper.

"I'll take a water as well and a strawberry margarita with double shots of tequila, please. And a order of your fried pickles."

"Ooh, yeah, let me get y'all mozzarella sticks, too." I added after.

The waitress jotted it down, smiling at us and walking away.

"What was you saying?" I adverted my attention back to Juniper.

She started to chew her bottom lip. I could tell she was debating on whether she should say something or not. "For the showcase tonight, like, um, oh my. How can I say this?"

"Girl, if you don't spit it out."

She giggled and covered her hand with her mouth. "Fine! The person hosting the open mic is...Akade."

"Akade? As in your ex Akade? The nigga who I had leaking in his moma front yard Akade? You gotta be shittin me. This nigga a talent scout now?"

"Not necessarily. He just...hosts certain nights and this happens to be one of his nights."

"Why you ain't tell me this sooner? I gotta record a diss song for that nigga just for the show."


"Nah. You right. He ain't even worth the attention. Does 'Mari know?"

She looks at me.

I look at her.

She looks at me.

I look at her.

"Damn." I paused and sucked my teeth. "Kamarion gon' fuck you up."


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