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Jimin looked over at Namjoon, exasperation in his eyes, there were some days that he enjoyed his jobs and others that he hated it with a burning passion. Right now he was one of the latter. "If we didn't need you as much as we did I would gut you right now and get this over with for his sake," He knew that the hybrid couldn't hear him, not with how deep into his slumber that he was, but it made him feel infinitely better as he sat down on his knees next to him and removed his own shirt. He wasn't going to be needing it for long anyways, and the less clothes he ruined the better. All the spare clothes they had in the cave had been given to Namjoon for obvious reasons, so it was either be naked or look like he had been mauled the rest of the way back to base.

Deciding to remove Namjoons' shirt as well, he only had the one also now, Jimin tried to figure out how he was going to do this and what he needed to prepare beforehand. From what he knew about Hybrid bites - Jungkook was a great source of knowledge when it came to this since the man was prone to oversharing everything and everything in his life - he knew that there were two ways that this was going to go down. Either he was going to cum in his pants, or he was going to feel like he was being burned alive from the inside out. It all depended on where he bit and while he knew for Taehyung's sake - though they planned to break the imprint it didn't change the fact that the phoenix and hybrid were still very much imprinted - that he would rather take the pain, very willing to do so in fact, realistically he knew that Yoongi would have his hide if he did so just because he needed to be fully functional for this mission. They were about a week out from their destination and that was excluding these types of breaks in-between, which meant in reality that they were still roughly two wees away on foot to where they needed to be.

Thinking of going around for that long with dried cum in his underwear made him shudder violently in disgust so without a second thought he disrobed the rest of his clothes completely and decided to be considerate and do so for Namjoon as well. This was going to suck but at least they wouldn't be too dirty afterwards.

"Time to wake up Namjoon," He swung a thick thigh over Namjoon's so that he was straddling him, plopping himself down onto the the other's abdomen so that their crotches didn't touch, took one last look at the knife sitting on top of his clothes, still sheathed but decided to grab it just in case. "I already shot you once hybrid I will not hesitate to stab you if you get out of hand," His words fell on deaf ears but he said them none-the-less, more for himself than anything else. "In the words of Jungkook, let's get it."

Taking the knife to the junction where his neck met his shoulder, hoping that he remembered correctly where Jungkook told him it would feel good, and dug in with a hiss. He dug the blade into his own skin deep enough to create a thin stream of blood which already started to ooze along his chest and coat one of his nipples as it dripped it's way to his abs. "Come get your food monster," Jimin cradled Namjoon's head in order to bring his lips up to his neck, already seeing the hybrid's eyes shift slightly and nose wrinkling up, seeming to show more signs of life in that moment then in the last twenty hours since he had fell into unconsciousness.

"Come on," Jimin urged him on, seeing the hybrids eyes flutter open repeatedly before closing again, trying to open up and stay awake but having a lot of difficulty so he started to rub soothing circles into Namjoon's hair from where he was holding him, never letting go of the knife with his other hand on the off chance that he is seen as more than just a quick drink. "That's it," His eyes were completely black, no source of white left in them at all, and he appeared confused and dazed but licked at the stray blood that had dripped down Jimin's body without a second thought like a kitten would to cream.

"Enough of that, you need to drink now Namjoon, come on, you can do it," His words were honey sweet and saccharine, dripping with false care and concern but the hybrid beneath him didn't seem to notice. Lapping at the self inflicted wound on Jimin's body eagerly and purring as he wrapped his lips around the wound and sucked, causing the human to let out a sharp hiss before sinking his teeth down deep into his flesh, almost as if he was preparing to bite clean through him when there was suddenly the pin prick of a knife at his throat.

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