I Stumbled Too Far

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You were always picked when you were a newborn baby. It was always the ones whose parents had acted out, so to say. The children were taken as a punishment to the parents, even if the rule the parents broke wasn't bad, fear was control and control was everything in this messed up world. The children were all chosen when they were born, and then from the second they could lift themselves into a walk to run, jump, slide, and swim.

I had unfortunately been one of those unlucky children. The whole ordeal with this was to compete against others to get to the finish line and win. If you fell off an obstacle into the void, you were dead. The games started at ten years old and you got to leave at eighteen. I luckily had only one year left and somehow, with a magical stroke of luck, survived all my games and even won a few. During my time here, I had also discovered and joined a small group of rebels. People who inconspicuously sabotaged a part of the map they were competing on to make sure that it couldn't be used for a hopefully large majority of time.

They were called The Outsiders.

I myself had broken a couple maps before and almost lost my life while doing so once. After that I had been put on rest by the main leader of the group, Gracie. She was eighteen and only had a couple games left before she was free to go and then, either me or my closest friend, a sibling if you will; Magic, would take control.

A harsh voice snapped me out of my pondering.

I turned my head to see my dorm guard standing there, an annoyed look on their face as if they'd lost a bet during one of the games.

Oh yeah! This was all broadcasted to the world and there was an official betting app. So great for the players.

"Ey! Owen! You're on. Go get ready." They yelled and I stood straight up, a small blood rush coming to my head before I headed over to the closest filled to the brim with the same white jumpsuits and white knee boots with laces of the same color. Everyone had this type of outfit, I guess to give off some conformity. After changing, I marched over to the guard and followed them to the wings behind the map, whatever it was this time. In the wing, I saw Magic and instantly ran over to them.

"Magic! Hey!" I yelled with all the excitement of a happy golden retriever.

"Hey Owen." She responded, not matching my energy as they started tying their laces. "You know what map it's gonna be?" "No. But it can't be either of the ones with swimming. Beks and El cut them off a couple days ago." I whispered the last part under my breath. If any of the identities of the rebels were discovered, bad things would happen to them. Suddenly, from a distant room, we heard the voice of an announcer shouting out who would be playing and the map.

In the wings, a tv screen appeared to go with the words of the announcer. It was the honeycomb map where every place to stand was a honeycomb that disappeared a second after you set foot on it. If you fell, you ended up on the next level till there were no more levels. A guard escorted us to platforms that didn't drop till the game started and shoved two of us onto each platform. I managed to end up with Magic and grabbed their hand, clasping it tightly as we waited for the lights to turn on and the countdown to start.



"I promise I won't fall." They whispered in the dim light as we waited for the countdown to finish.



"I'll make sure of it." 


The lights turned on in a blinding flash of pale yellow, artificial light. Magic and I's platform started blinking red as other players jumped off theirs, landing on the cushy, synthetic honeycomb below. Our platform dropped out from underneath us, and I held Magic's hand tighter as we fell onto the honeycomb. I jumped up right away, pulling Magic up with me.

"Run!" They yelled, starting to sprint across the remaining hexagons, jumping over the gaps. She turned to look at me, checking if I was there when I spotted a gap ahead. "Magic! Jump!" I yelled.

I saw Magic's eyes widen.

I saw Magic's legs desperately try to propel them forward.

I saw Magic's fingers slip as they tried to hold onto the mushy honeycomb.

I saw Magic fall.

I jumped.

I landed on the honeycomb right after Magic, not paying attention to which layer we were on. Magic's hexagon was a painfully vibrant red, showing that it was just about to drop. I grabbed their hand, trying to pull them onto my platform, not paying attention to the color of mine either. Magic turned to me, a resigned look on her face. "Owen, we're on the last platform. Your platform's about to drop." I ignored their words, not wanting them to be true. "Magic! Get up!" I yelled, disregarding the tears forming in the corners of my eyes. "There's no time." She said, eyes brimming with tears as well. "There has to be!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face as I tried to deny this impossibly horrible situation.

"Owen, I love you. You meant the world to me while I lived. Please, promise me that you'll live your life; live, laugh, love. I'm glad that you're the last person I'll ever see."

And they shoved me onto a hexagon and her hand slipped from the honeycomb.

And they fell, dual colored hair swirling around her face as tears flew from their eyes.

And they disappeared into the void, gone. Dead. Lost. Vanished. Forever.

And then there was a harsh siren blaring all around as the round ended.

And then guards dragged me off the broken layer of honeycomb.

And then I was sitting in my room and people surrounded me. Friends, enemies, I didn't know. I didn't care. My best friend was gone just like that. My life had vanished.

I didn't know how long I sat there for, in the same position, just trying to process the fact that Magic was...gone. Someone entered and called my name, saying something about my next game and how the audience was desperate to see me again, and my reaction to Magic's death.

I got up and followed the guard, not changing since I was still in the same outfit from when Magic left. I was escorted to the wings, the announcer spoke, introducing the map and who was playing. I thought I heard a small round of applause from somewhere but I might just be going crazy.

I didn't care about the map, I didn't care about winning, I didn't care about anything. She was gone; and that was all that mattered now.

The other players and I gathered at the starting line, all of them in position. Except for me. The others shot me glances that ranged from worried to disgusted. I ignored them.

The countdown started and finished. I ignored that.

People started running. I ignored them.

I walked to one of the edges of the map, ignoring everything as I sat down on the edge.

"Dear Magic, I know you're gone and so's my mind." My voice was rough and raw from days of silence. "You were everything to me. I can't move on without you. You told me to move on. To promise. I didn't. I'm sorry, but you broke our promise. You said you wouldn't fall and you did so now I have to. And to the audience seeing this, turn off the tv. Stop betting on who'll live or die. Who'll win or lose. You don't want to see this pointless bloodshed for the sake of a crumbling facade of control over us."

I scooted closer to the edge.

I heard people running to me, to save me; but I was gone. Some people just can't be saved.

"I'm sorry, Magic. I loved you too." I whispered and... I jumped. I thought I saw a ghost with split hair of blue and brown, tears falling from their eyes out of the corner of my eye as the darkness consumed me. I thought I heard a voice utter out the words "I'm sorry too, Owen."

And the void absorbed me.


Word Count- 1505

I'm so freaking happy with how this came out! I think it's one of the best things I've ever written. There's just a lot of pure emotion in this and I love that. I tried to make this kinda dystopian cause I'm reading a lot of dystopian stuff right now and I love the genre so much. Hope you loved this as much as I do! (This was based off of a video game link thats gone viral at my school called Stumble Guys just btw)-Fox 

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