halloween oneshot

38 4 4

TW: Death, fire, kind of detailed gore/burns

Dead leaves crunched under my feet as I walked up the broken road. You could barely see the isolated house in the gloomy light.

"Excited Scott?" My friend, Gem asked as we strided up the crumbling road.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "Who doesn't want to check out a haunted house on Halloween?!"

"Me." Said another member of our party, Jimmy.

"Oh, don't be such a downer." Gem said with a roll of her eyes. We continued up the path towards the creepy house in silence. Finally we reached our destination. The final member of our party, Lizzie, walked up the steps and pushed open the rotting wooden door with a loud creakkkkkk.

"Lizzie!" Jimmy yelled. "Why did you do that?!"

"Well how else do you want to get in this house? Climb through the window?" Lizzie snarked. The rest of us let out a giggle as Gem peaked through the door and into the foyer. Leaves, dirt, and dust coated the floor of the room. Stuffed animal heads sat on mounts above us as we entered the house.

"I hate this." Jimmy grumbled moodily.

The rest of the group conversed quietly in the entrance while I explored. The rotting floorboards creaked under my worn shoes as I approached a door off the room. I pulled it open with a loud creak of stiff hinges and a bit of a struggle. "Guys! Get over here! I think I found something." The rest of the group cautiously approached the small door.

"C'mon!" I said as Gem and Lizzie pulled out their phones, turning on the flashlight. I walked down the squeaky stairs with my friends and boyfriend in tow.

"You guys do know what happened here, right?" Jimmy said, anxiety and fear obvious in his voice.

"Who doesn't." Gem said as she arrived on the ground floor of the basement looking room along with the rest of us.

"I don't." The four of us turned as fast as a fire could burn a gasoline doused body.

A burn crisp of a human stood behind us. A black hoodie covered what must be the worst of the burns and a pair of flannel pajama pants hid what had to hide the other blackened and burnt skin. Strands of dark violet hair hung from out of the hood but the most noticeable thing was the face. Black twisted skin showed instead of normal skin. The nose had charcoal bones sticking out and the eyes were practically bulging out of the exposed burt sockets.

"You know it's rude to stare?" The thing said.

"Yo-you-you're Xornoth." Jimmy stuttered out. "You-you died. Back in the 80s." Horror was painted across the group's faces.

"Huh. I guess I am." The supposedly dead kid said, a sick grin carving their face's features in a disturbing way.

"And you know, I've been feeling quite lonely here." Exor kept his sinister smile the whole sentence.

"Wh-what are you implying?" Gem stammered.

"Well...I think you all are smart enough to know what I'm implying." Exor chuckled menacingly.

"Go go go GO!" I screamed and grabbed Jimmy's arm, running for the stairs. We sprinted up the steps together, making a run for the door out of the dead kids' basement. I reached the handle and tried to twist it wildly like an animal trapped in a cage.

"UNLOCK IT!" Gem yelled from behind me in a panicked tone.

"I'M TRYING!" I screamed back. Oh god, we weren't gonna make it out of here alive.

"Oh, it's locked." A voice laughed cruelly. And then Xornoth appeared right in front of me. I screamed as if I'd been lit on fire and tripped, tumbling down the stairs.

"Well, looks like I'm getting a couple new friends tonight." The burnt crisp of a teenager said as they appeared in front of the pile of my friends and I.

They snapped their fingers and a small flame appeared on the tip of Xornoth's index finger.

"NO!" I yelled, trying to untangle myself from the mess of limbs that were my friends. Exor casually strolled over to the wall and brushed his finger against the wall. It lit up immediately. Flames covered the whole wall right away.

"NO! NO! NO!" My group of friends and I yelled as the whole room started to burn. Finally we untangled ourselves from the pile and I held Jimmy.

"Jimmy. I love you." I said through tears.

"I love you too." He said back and kissed me.

I held my lover as smoke snaked through our lungs.

I held my lover as the fire burned our bodies and singed them till they were unrecognizable.

I held my lover as the room burned to the ground and life was choked out of our now lifeless bodies.

People never figured out the mystery of the disappearance of four teenagers on Halloween night.

But some were determined and would figure this mystery out. Even if it would cost lives.


Word Count: 874

This is another thing I wrote in school and tweaked at home and I'm actually really happy with how this turned out. Do you guys want a part two to this? Cause I have ideas and might actually just write a part two anyways. This was very much based off of the new Goosebumps show btw. -Fox

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