chapter 3

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"Power levels green, Orbot?" Eggman asked orbot "Power levels: stable. Extractor activated." Orbot said. then Orbot pulls a level which activates the Extractor. The Extractor takes life from Earth. "Good! Good!" Eggman said as he clasped his hands together. Cubot takes some energy from the Extractor. "Oh, yeah, that's the stuff! Feed me, baby! Glug, glug, glug! I'm feeling stronger by the second!" Cubot said as he kept drinking life energy as a alarm goes off. "Levels fluctuating. Reaction unstable. Better shut it down quick, boss, or else it will lock into overload." Orbot informed eggman "Shut it down!" Eggman orderd orbot as he turned off the extractor. "Aww. Why'd you stop Boss? I felt great!" Cubot whined a bit. "The machine is unstable. We just want to borrow some of the planet's energy. We don't want to destroy it." Eggman informed cubot. Zavok is seen hiding behind a corner "speak for youself." he said to himself.

Zomom is seen in the desert eating a huge sandwich. "One word of helpful advice: diet and exercise." Zelda said as zomom turned to her "That's three words." He said. Zomom whacks Zelda with his sandwich "hey!" " I Think I'll have you for dessert." Zomom said as he ate his sandwich "Don't talk with your mouth full." " Yeah, right." He said as het tries to hit Zelda with the sandwich again but Zelda jumps over it. "Hey! I forgot the mustard! Be right back!" He said as he stomps off. " Hey! Where d'you think you're going?" she said as she followed Zomom

Eggman is seen in the desert speaking to the Deadly Six.  I hone your abilities, I equip you with the most powerful mechs I can create, I even give you a giant sandwich, and you still disappoint me." Eggman said as he then Blows on Cacophonic Conch and the Deadly Six fall to the ground. "I'm a compassionate man..." he siad as he started to talk about himself "That shell looks like trouble." she said before running up to eggman  "Hold on a second... Zelda? I think that thing in Eggman's hand is--!" Zarmony said before Zelda  jumps up and kicks the Cacophonic Conch out of Eggman's hands.  "Gone. Eggman's shell is gone!" she said,proud of herself as eggman sighed. "That was a mistake. "Whatever! When is it a mistake to take your toys away?" Zelda said as she giggled When it's the only thing keeping six angry Zeti from controlling my mechs, you moronic Zeti!" Eggmnan said before The Deadly Six take control of Eggman's badniks and make them aim at Eggman. Then they make the badniks shoot. "Strike, brothers! Make the fool pay for our abuse and enslavement!"  Zavok orderd as Zelda is seen dodging and lasers. Orbot and Cubot are dodging lasers too. Cubot's body gets dis-attached from him and Orbot catches his head. In the process, his voicechip is ruined   "Yar! Shiver me timbers!" Cubot said like a pirate, Both Zazz and Zomom jumps onto Eggman's Egg Mobile. As Zomom jumps onto it, Eggman falls out. One of the lasers scorches his mustache. Zelda is seen destroying a few badniks while dodging lasers. The rock Zarmony was hiding behind is destroyed and Zarmony falls. Zelda comes and picks her up.  "I hate to run away from a fight Zarmony, but I don't want to see you get fried." Zelda said while running  "Not getting fried would be nice..." Zarmony said weakily a bit " Orbot! Cubot! We are leaving!"  Eggman said as orbot and cubot follow their boss. Zelda carrying Zarmony, Orbot carrying Cubot, and Eggman are all seen running away" Man, I should have listened to you, Zarmony!" Zelda said, while trying to get out of there as soon as possible "Oh, you think?" Zarmony said with sarcasm in her voice. "hey! wait wait wait waait!" Zazz ran up to zelda,catching his breathe, confusing zelda greatly as he handed zelda a flower "d-dont get any bright ideas.." Zazz said as he looked away,zelda smiled as she took the flower,placing it near her horn as she ran off,leaving a blushing zazz behind her

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