Chapter 2: The unexpected guest at night

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She bolted from the room, deftly snatching the bunny and transforming into a squid to evade capture. With a stroke of luck, she remembered the location of the security room and slipped into the ventilation shaft with the bunny still in tow. Heart racing, she emerged on the other side unscathed, glancing back at the vault before sprinting home as fast as her legs would carry her. 

As she slammed the door shut behind her, she leaned against it, breathing heavily as she tried to calm her racing heart. Clutching the bunny to her chest, she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, allowing herself a moment of reprieve before moving on.

Callie: "Callie, let's try to calm down and forget that it ever happened. We don't need to dwell on it, we can move forward and focus on the present. In fact, let's just forget about it entirely and stay fresh."

She takes a deep breath and consciously tries to let go of all her thoughts and worries, focusing on the present moment. For a brief second, her mind is completely clear and free from any distractions. In this moment of stillness, she finds herself smiling, experiencing a sense of peace and contentment.

Callie: "You know what? I think I've completely forgotten what I did today"

Marie: "Ah, it's my beloved cousin! You're finally back home"

Callie: "Marie!"

Setting the rabbit down on the floor, she dashed over to her cousin and embraced them as tightly as she could. Marie felt as though all the air had been squeezed out of her lungs from the strength of the hug.

Marie: "Callie, don't suffocate me with your hug. I wouldn't want to experience that kind of tortureous"

Callie: "Oops, my b. I didn't mean to do that. Silly me" *stops hugging* "I didn't realize you were home so early. Did you take the day off or something?"

Marie: "No, actually our boss gave us 48 hours of free time as a token of appreciation"

Callie: "Really? That's absolutely fantastic news! Finally, We can do whatever we want today"

Marie couldn't help but giggle as she watched her cousin jump for joy, the sound of their happiness filling the room.

Callie: "We have so many options! We could go to a park, watch some TV, and, oh my gosh, I just had a brilliant idea! We can watch our favorite movie from our childhood!"

Marie: "Hehe, Callie, take a deep breath. You don't want to give the impression that you're a child again"

Callie: "Heh okay Marie, I will"

Marie: "Also, You didn't forget your promise to surprise me, did you, Callie?"

As soon as Marie heard about the surprises that she had promised, her eyes widened with realization that the surprise she had planned was left behind in the vault. She quickly looked around, trying to come up with an alternative. Finally, she decided to give her cousin a rabbit as a gift instead.

Callie: "Oh! um, here's a surprise"

Her eyes darted towards the rabbit, and she wasted no time in picking it up and presenting it to her cousin, eager to share the little creature's cuteness.

Marie: "a rabbit?"

Callie: "What's the matter? Do you not like my surprise? I thought it was cute and fluffy."

Marie's initial excitement quickly faded as she noticed her cousin's smile slowly disappearing.

Marie: "Oh! umm, not all Callie! I love it!"

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