The Dragon Whispers

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It had been almost three years since then, and Dylan was almost ten years old. Not a day had gone by when he wasn't wearing that purple hoodie, for he'd grown into it, and liked it quite a lot. However, while it made him feel secure, it didn't exactly do anything to boost his confidence at all, and he was nervous to go out of the house. Wildwing liked to take Dylan out, simply for him to get a taste of the world around him, and was always right next to Dylan to reassure him. That made Dylan feel better, and it slowly worked to make him feel more confident about going outside the house.

In the last few years, Wildwing even signed Dylan up for the local Woodchuck troop in Duckburg. At first, Dylan was a bit angry at him for it, for he'd never expressed any interest in it, and it would mean he would be outside, furthermore with other people. Since the...incident, Dylan always called it, he wasn't all that keen to interact with other people, even kids his age. However, during his time in the Woodchuck troop, he'd grown a bit more confident, and had opened up a bit more. He still came off as a bit shy and awkward, but no one seemed to mind.

After that, Dylan felt a bit better going outside, and wanted to go with his uncle where he went. Wildwing was glad for such a development, especially as he seemed a bit nervous to go anywhere without Dylan, and the two grew a bit closer than they were already. That being, Wildwing decided to organize something special.

On the morning of his tenth birthday, Dylan woke up rather normally, from a dreamless sleep. The sunlight of the coming summer peeked through the crack in the curtains, further muffled by the ones of Dylan's four poster. Dylan slowly got up out of bed, and changed into his clothes. Wildwing had let him keep the hoodie, and Dylan wore it every day. He opened the curtains above his desk, and the warm sunlight filled the room. It startled Dylan a little, so he moved his eyes to the mini calendar he kept on his desk. All of the days that had gone by so far had been crossed out, and today was April thirteenth.

"'s my — birthday today," Dylan said quietly to himself.

He became a bit excited as a smile came to his face. Before, he wasn't all that excited for his birthday, and it was hardly celebrated. Now, Wildwing always hyped his birthday up, and always had something special for it. That made Dylan more excited, but no two surprises from his uncle would ever be the same, and he always wondered what it would be this year. Although, Dylan considered that slightly greedy, and decided to let his mind drift from it, waiting for his uncle to call him downstairs.


There it was, he thought, as he headed out of his room and downstairs.

Wildwing was already sitting in the seat on his side of the dining table, Dylan's chair empty at the other, with a small, red velvet cupcake at his place. That made Dylan smile, and blush a bit; he always appreciated his uncle's thoughtfulness.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," Wildwing said with a smile.

Dylan ran to his uncle to give him a hug, sending him as much love as he could. He loved his uncle so much, more than anything.

"Thanks Uncle Wildwing!" he whimpered.

Wildwing softly chuckled as he hugged Dylan back, looking into his eyes as they parted.

"I've got something a little more special for you this year," he told Dylan with a smirk.

"Really?" Dylan gasped eagerly. "What is it?"

"Well," his uncle began, "please forgive the fact that it's...sort of a business trip for me — but, our ancestors have a vacation home in a small seaside town, Fowlsdale! Over the years, I've fixed it up a little with the times, and I thought it would be fun to spend some time there! What d'ya say buddy?"

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