More Than a Pet

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Dylan taught Frida how to use a toothbrush the following went better than he expected, to say the least. She had a hard time getting a grasp on it, in more ways than one. Still, she understood it as she saw Dylan doing it, and brushed her teeth clean just fine. Dylan thought her little fangs were very cute, and was glad that they weren't capable of biting yet, even if they were clean. After that, Frida climbed up onto Dylan's shoulder, and the two went out to the living room to wait for Dylan's uncle, who, it seemed, hadn't woken up yet. Although, if either of them had said it, they would have spoken too soon.

Wildwing looked mildly frantic as he made his way down the stairs, looking around, wearing only a bathrobe and adult sweatpants. He made it to the bottom, and looked at Dylan with a mildly worried expression.

"Dylan, have you seen the —" he paused, and looked a bit less worried when his eyes landed on Frida perched on Dylan's shoulder.


"Huh?" Dylan said softly, then he put two and two together. "O-o-oh....What, did you sneak out of his room during the night, or something?" Dylan asked Frida.

Frida looked to the side a bit guiltily.

"Well-uh, yeah...cuz I wanted to see you...."

Dylan was still touched by it, and decided to give Frida an affectionate little chin tickle. That made her giggle. Dylan liked it when she giggled, and Wildwing smiled as he saw their banter.

"You two seem to have gotten along well," he said, then he stood on one knee to look at Frida. "What's your name kiddo?"

"Frida!" she replied energetically.

Wildwing grinned.

"Aw, that's a pretty name. I'm Wildwing."

He winked at Frida, which made her giggle again. Dylan's knee had been bending rhythmically, which was the only way to contain the energy he had, to ask a burning question. Then he couldn't hold it in any longer, and let that energy burst out as he grabbed Frida and squeeze-hugged her.

"Can I keep her?" he eagerly asked his uncle. "Please please ple-e-ease?"

Wildwing was a bit startled by the suddenness of this, as was Frida, who pulled herself into a more comfortable position in Dylan's squeezing arms. Wildwing noticed Dylan's sparkling eyes, big smile, and feebly bouncing feet. He grinned softly.

"Alright kiddo, you can keep her," he answered.

"YES!" Dylan shouted at once. "WOOHOO!"

"But —!" Wildwing interjected. "You need to take full responsibility for her and her needs. A pet can be a lot of work, are you ready for it?"

"Uh-huh," Dylan nodded almost at once. "I've already taught her how to brush her teeth, and she already knows a lot of things!"

Wildwing's eyes widened slightly, looking rather impressed.

"Maybe you're more ready than I thought!" he said quietly.

Frida looked between the two, a bit confused, but then shrugged it off and simply smiled, the cute way she always did.

"Alright kids," said Wildwing, "I'm gonna cook up breakfast."

"Okay," Frida and Dylan said in unison.

And with that, the three headed to the kitchen.


Frida was a fast runner, and she'd already begun to fly as Dylan chased her around the park. Wildwing thought that, after Dylan's little energy burst that morning, playing something like chase or tag in the park would be a good way for him and Frida to let some of their energy out, for they both had a lot of it. Frida told Dylan that she had never even learned to fly, but she was already floating above the ground on occasion, her little wings flapping rapidly.

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