The Final Battle

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Dylan flew high above the city of Duckburg, the directions to Red Raven's location guiding him. Despite how he ended up after his last battle with Red Raven, Dylan wasn't all that scared. Though he still didn't know what to expect, he felt better, seeming to have finally found himself, and loved himself more. That gave him confidence, and strength, to save Gizmoduck and Duckburg from the Red Raven!

Soon enough, he had arrived.

He landed on the ground as the guide in his hood informed him he was in the right place. When they were first building this part of his suit, Dylan was worried this guide would tell him everything at any time, no matter how useless or useful it might have been. Thankfully, Dr. Gearloose mainly installed it just for this mission, essentially as a GPS. So, Dylan had nothing to worry about after all. Dylan figured the building in front of him would be where the Red Raven was because of how it looked. It was secluded from any city, hidden in the forest next to the east-coast of Duckburg, all black (and unconventionally shaped) with red, one-way windows. There were antennas and satellite dishes at the top, but that hardly mattered. Dylan walked up to the building.

The first thing Dylan saw was an arch-shaped entrance. The double doors were closed off, and probably locked. Dylan saw controls next to them, but he had no idea how they worked. He decided to simply press a button, but that proved to be a bad idea.

"Access denied," said a robotic voice.

With that, those control systems shut down. Red Raven was smart, particularly when it came to tech, it seemed. Dylan, unfortunately, was not that smart. Now he wasn't sure what to do. How would he get inside? After some thought, he landed on the idea of —

"Flame sword!" Dylan said aloud.

Dylan drew his sword, then paused, wondering how to successfully surround his sword in flames, without damaging it at all. He had also thought about using his sword, and just his sword, but he figured that would probably fail miserably. Dylan needed a flame sword, and a powerful one at that. So, he tried. He summoned a fireball in his hand, then tried to make his powers listen to him, and shot the fire at the blade of his sword. The fire surrounded the blade, and for a moment, Dylan smiled, thinking it was working...and then the fire abruptly faded.

The blade of the sword, fortunately, was shiny and completely undamaged. But the flame sword was unsuccessful. Dylan growled in frustration, knowing this would happen. His powers hardly ever listened to him, he thought.

"I can't make you listen," he said angrily to his powers.

Then he felt...something strange. As if a fire had surrounded his heart, to boost his strength. The flames felt powerful, and Dylan didn't feel like his heart was melting or anything of the sort, but he distinctly heard words, in a raspy voice, as if someone was speaking to him through a fire.


Those words made Dylan remember why his powers wouldn't listen to him, and more importantly, what Wildwing had said. His uncle's words replayed in his head.

"You must only remember who you are."

Dylan stood up straight, held his sword out in front of his face, and stared into the blade. Then he summoned another fireball in his free hand, and noticed his eyes glowing a bit orange in the reflection of his face in the blade.

"I am Dylan Featherbeak," he whispered, "descendant of dragon-whisperers."

As he said those words, the fire in his hand felt more powerful. He needed more power, so he said it again, louder.

"I am Dylan Featherbeak," he said firmly, "descendant of dragon-whisperers."

Now the fire in his hand had become a pinkish color, as did the glow of his eyes. Dylan still needed more power, so he repeated those words one more time, louder!

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