1: bro got granted a phone 💀

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"Patient #6, since the manager said you have been.. calm, recently, she was willing to grant you a phone." The nurse said, smiling at the aggressive boy.

"I don't need it." He said coldly, not even making eye contact with his nurse. "I will place it here, then." Then, she left, muttering. "..gosh, that boy is so hard to deal with.."

Scaramouche wished he didn't care.

Soon, he picked up the device. He had never been granted outside privileges, let alone a phone.

Actually.. most kids in the hospital could get a phone once they were ten and were behaving well, but Scaramouche.. was a bit more carefree.

He eyed the device curiously, then proceeded to pick it up and unlock it with a swipe.

"Is this what people call a phone? How did patient #3's sister get addicted to this.. Those stupid old ladies say this is bad for your eyes, how?" He mumbled.

He had never owned a phone, a TV, an ipad, or even an apple watch. He was not allowed to go on the internet, and he has no social life. That didn't matter to him. Everyone in the hospital was like that. Who could judge him?

He does gossip, though.

He couldn't figure out how to use the device, and let alone what to even do on it. But, his ego didn't allow him to ask for help.

So, he left it alone. The next time he was granted a ten-minute break to walk in the garden, he sneaked out.

His body was very weak, indeed, and he felt like dying after hopping over the fence.

Luckily, he stole some normal clothes, so people wouldn't stare at poor Scaramouche wearing a hospital gown.

He saw many people on their phones, lots were texting, playing games, or reading.

"How do they even have those on their phone.. mine has nothing." He said.

Later on, he went back into the hospital garden, and nobody knew he sneaked out.

He went through his phone, and went into every app he had, looking for any signs of games he could play to entertain himself.

Until, he pressed into the play store. "What the?" He scrolled through many apps, and he finally understood. "So like, you have to 'download' them and then you can play..? Bet."

He began downloading all the games he thought was interesting, and he ended up deleting most of them.

"Their all fake!" He yelled, raging as he almost threw his phone against the wall when he realized that you had to watch ads everytime you completed a level and there wasn't any cat girl afterall.

He clicked into a game called 'Genshin Impact', and he almost raged when it took him over ten minutes to download everything.

"..finally!" He exclaimed, pressing the screen that had a door on it aggressively.

"The boy or the girl.. the boy looks ugly." He said, choosing the girl. "Name.." He ended up choosing 'Hatguy' as a user.

Why? Well, the thought of hats, and he couldn't be named something like 'donutguy'.. so he chose Hatguy.

He then got a cutscenes of meeting Paimon, and he set out on his journey. "..how did I lose HP?! I just jumped off!" He raged continuously. "You stupid water slime..!"


After some time, he soon came to like the game. He played everyday, grinding some AR levels and eventually.. he hit ar16.

"What the fuck? I unlocked.. co.. coop?!" He said, confused. He didn't mind too much, and just continued on with his day.

Just a few hours later, Scaramouche was eating hospital dinner, but not really. You see, who would want to eat dry rice with disgusting brown chicken and a black sauce made of who knows what?

So, he starved, as usual. He got on his phone, and logged on to Genshin. He was just chilling, doing the archon quest when suddenly, a player by the name of 'H.S.sherlock' requested to join him.

"..what the fuck?" He asked himself, finally clicking the green check mark after debating for five seconds.

H.S.sherlick had joined your world


Who tf are you

Dwang, new players these days are so mean
*Sobbing emote*
I'm obv..
Ur mom

Of course, Kunikuzushi wasn't happy with this answer. He had major mommy issues.

Just tell me ur name or something

Okay okay
Ur dad

I don't have a dad

Sucks to suck ;)

H.S.sherlock has been kicked

And there it was, his first ever co op experience.

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