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•I had no other picture ;3;•
Your POV

Well, it's now or never, I thought to myself as I push the doors open to The Flower Garden, the restaurant that Mori invited me to. I start to get nervous as I try to look for the tall man. A waitress walks up to me and asks,

"First date? Possibly with the tall, handsome guy over there?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked, kind of amused.

"Women's intuition," she said with a smile. Her name tag read Penelope. Nice name.

"Anyways, let me show you where he is. Follow me." I nod and followed her. Mori came to sight and I waved. He glanced up at me and waved back with a smirk.

"Well, for this evening, I will be your waitress. Name's Penelope. Call me of you need anything, kay?" she said while handing us our menus.

Not gonna lie, she is pretty eccentric if you ask me.

Mori and I look at our menus and we both ask for strawberry lemonade. I ordered chicken alfredo with a side steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes with gravy. Mori ordered a sirloin steak cooked well done with a salad and bread sticks for a side. The waitress left, giving me a smile and wink before she went to get our food. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous for this. I've never been on a date before, unless you count play dates that I had with guys count.

We sat in silence as we waited for our food to arrive. It was pretty awkward. We would only throw glances at each other before we both looked down at our laps. Our food arrived momentarily and I looked at the food like I've never eaten before. It looked that fucking good. I picked up my fork and tasted the chicken alfredo, and I swear, my heart skipped a fucking beat. This shit is good. And you can now see that I don't go out to eat at fancy restaurants so often. I try to speak this time, trying to break the ice.

"This food is delicious. How does yours taste, Mori?"

"Pretty good. Want a taste?"

I blush at the question, but I took the offer.

"Sure." He cuts a piece of his steak and brings it to my mouth. I take a bite, and savored the taste.

I should eat out more often. If it means getting delicious food, then fuck yes!!

I ask him he wants a taste of the sauced pasta. He say yes, so I give him a taste. After we ate, we had dessert. Me being a kid at heart, I ordered a hot fudge sundae with crushed Oreo pieces, and Mori ordered a piece of chocolate mousse cake. We tasted each others' food once again and had a laugh. We finished the dessert and paid the waitress. I gave her a tip of five bucks 'cause she fucking deserved it. Mori then lead me to a park that I didn't know this town had. Damn I need to get out more. We walked around the park and Mori led through a secret passage way which led to a breathtaking view.

"Oh my Glob, Mori. It's beautiful," I said with blushy smile.

"But not as beautiful as you," he replies.

I look at him as he pulls out roses from behind his back. I forgot to mention that he was wearing a suit. Hehe. Anyways, he walks up to me and hands me the roses. I take them and he grabs my right hand. He looks at me sincerely in the eye and says,

"y/n, throughout the months I have hanged out with you, I had fun. I want to have fun with you all the time. I don't like seeing you in pain and I don't like seeing you in cry. I want to be the shoulder you cry on. I want to hold you in my arms, happy or sad. It hurts me to see you in so much pain. I want to take the pain away and make you happy again, so y/n?"

"Yeah?" I respond with tears of joy in my eyes.

"I have fallen helplessly in love with you. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will be yours."

I hug him as he wipes the tears from my eyes.

"I love you, y/n" He says before kissing me.

"I love you too, Mori," I say with a smile.

*People, the part you have all been waiting for has finally arrived. I hope you really liked this part. I'm proud of myself. I wrote all of this at 3 in the morning. I'm literally not tired at all. I even took a pill to help me fall asleep. I'm fucking nocturnal, bitches!! X3 Lol. Anyways, hope you liked it. Love ya NerdNation~~


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