1) Train

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before we get started I do not condone this type of behavior irl

Y/N is more timid/shy and can be naive but she isn't a complete airhead.

I'll be sure to put a TW before the beginning of each chp, pls correct me on any grammar/other mistakes

I changed sonder to Sawyer so if anyone sees Sonder instead of Sawyer please let me know ヘ⁠(⁠。⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠ヘ

start ...

From what you can remember you had met Sawyer on a hot summer day, a couple months before your 1st year of highschool would end and summer would start.

You were excited to say the least, soon you'd be enjoying all the perks of summer.
      And the cons, but they balance each other out. One con being the train. The cramped, humid, rancid train. You hated riding it, happy you won't be boarding it every morning and in the afternoons soon.

       The doors blew your hair out of your face as they opened. You smiled a bit enjoying the small whoosh of cold breeze.

Quickly you boarded the train and made your way to the corner of the cart, grabbing a hold onto one of the latches hanging off the ceiling.

          You let out a small sigh of relief glad that you had found a free latch. As the train started you whipped out the small mirror inside your bag as you began to fix your hair while also trying to keep your balance. You grumbled as you found it to be useless and shoved the mirror back into your bag.

          Just as you looked back up you felt eyes on you, you stopped. 'Ah, maybe someone noticed my failed attempt at trying to fix my hair'. You slowly moved your eyes around the cart observing the passengers, trying not look suspicious.

         Then your eyes landed on a certain boy. He was fairly attractive, Black hair, grey eyes, and from what you can see by the shape of his uniform lean. You've never seen him before, although his uniform was familiar. It's been a while since you've seen it though.

You soon realized you were staring for a bit to long and quickly looked away swearing you had made eye contact. You should've never looked at him. That was your 1st mistake.


          You quickly rushed off the train and began making your way towards your school. You were running a bit late due to oversleeping. You groaned if only you had woken up earlier or actually went to bed earlier you'd be a bit more awake. You cursed your past self for making such a dumb mistake.

You pulled out your phone clicking it on as you glanced at the time, 7:46. You began to pick up the pace.

Turning a corner you noticed the gates of your school at the end of the road. A small sigh of relief escaped your lips as you slowed down your pace to catch your breath a bit, you got tired pretty easily especially with the stress of almost being late.

"excuse me?"

You jumped a bit whipping your head in the direction of the voice. There stood the same boy you had seen on the train. He leaned slightly forward finger raised most likely meant to tap you before you jumped. He studied your expression letting out a small chuckle.

You stood frozen, the black haired boy clasped his hands behind his back as he smiled down at you, "I noticed you on the train" your eyes grew wide and you began to feel embarrassed. He saw you staring at him.

"Ah, I wanted to ask you for some help" the boy hummed. Your ears perked up at this. You glanced up at him trying to maintain eye contact but also trying not to look creepy. Then you got an even better view of the boy, everything about him seemed soft. His expression, his skin, his hair, his Aura. Everything.

This caused you to be more nervous, he really is attractive. "What do you need help with?" you questioned. "I'm new around this area, do you know where (Random hs name) is?". You nodded your head responding with a small "Yep". You pointed In the direction of the high school, "If you walk past this highschool and keep walking until you reach a small corner store you'll have to take a left and then keep walking until you reach the back gates of the school."

You began to question if those were good instructions. You looked back up at the boy as he was processing what you had just said. Holding up an 'ok' sign and smiling. "Thank you, My names Sawyer by the way"

Sawyer, Sawyer, Sawyer you repeated, sounds nice. "I'm Y/N", you pulled out your phone glancing at the time 7:58. You began to panic, glancing once more over at Sonder you waved. "I gotta go or else I'll be late for class see ya" You turned around and booked it to class.

Sawyer smiled giving a small wave as he watched your figure disappear into the school gates.

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