15) "Do you like Lucent?"

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hey, what's up??

Finals are over for you correct?


Perfect! I was thinking we could go to the amusement park as a reward!

What time and place?

I was thinking some time this weekend around 4pm if that works for you

That's perfect school ends this week so I won't be busy


You smiled to yourself looking down at your phone, now looking forward to this weekend.

"Y/N!", Sawyer chirped out, catching you by surprise.

His dark curls tickled your face as he tackled you into a bear hug.

You were frozen, you hadn't spoken to Sonder after that night until now.

"Good morning, Sawyer", you grabbed both his shoulders prying him off of you.

You smiled at him, both from happiness and not wanting to make anything awkward.

Sawyer was a bit caught by surprise, it's been awhile since you'd given him a genuine smile.

recuperating the gesture he got up, pulling you up as well and examining you for any injuries.

"You look happy, Why's that?", he sat down next to you. Placing his arm around your shoulder. He was a bit surprised when you didn't push it off.

"Nothing really, just glad this week is the last week of school", you replied.

Not noticing how Sawyer was eyeing down your phone.

see you soon Y/N

"Mine", Sawyer snatched your phone. It took you a second to process that Sawyer took your phone, but once it did you were both on the floor fighting for the phone.

"Give it back!", you reached over Sawyer as he held the phone away from you.

"Is Lucent the boy you met at the clothing shop?", He tilted the screen to face him.

""See you soon" What's that about?", Sawyer rolled onto his stomach hiding the phone under him.

"Sawyer give me back my phone!", you demanded.

"Not until you answer me!", He rolled back over, clutching your phone.

"Fine", you grumbled. "I'm hanging out with a friend this weekend", You reached out for your phone.

Sawyer hesitated before handing it back. You quickly snatched it, placing it into your bag.

"What are you guys gonna do?"

You didn't know if you should tell the truth or not. Sawyer might forcefully invite himself and with the recent event that happened between you two, you didn't wanna hurt his feelings.

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