3) Stranger

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You and Sawyer both stood in front of the train station entrance.

Sawyer scrolled through his phone trying to find things the both of you could do.

'He didn't even bother planning it all out', you rolled your eyes.

You looked around taking in your surroundings, many people walked in and out of shops, lots of adults in formal clothing most likely heading to work, and cars honking and beeping due to all the traffic.

"Got It!" Sawyer shouted, you flinched from the sudden noise. Quickly turning around you were facing his phone.

"There's a nice Cafe a couple blocks away, My treat!", Sawyer pulled his phone away and began walking.

You quickly caught up with him as you looked around. "Um, Don't you think we stick out?, Our uniforms might get us in trouble". You mumbled, Sonder paused.

The sudden stop made you bump your nose into his back, He let out a small chuckle. "Throw your sweater on", he began walking.

"But it's too hot and I don't even have one" you caught up with him once more. "Not my problem", he shrugged.

You stared up at him in disbelief, Then an idea popped into your head.

Looking around your eyes landed on a clothing shop across the street. 'Perfect!', You quickly ran past Sawyer approaching a cross walk a little ways ahead.

You clicked the button waiting for the little walking man to pop up. Right on que it popped up just as Sawyer caught up with you. "What are you doing? This isn't the right way."

He watched you walked across the street. "Hey! You're going in the wrong direction!" He began to shout. You ignored his words as you were already half way across the street.

The loud quick footsteps and the sudden presence of someone next to you made you glance next to you.

"Are you deaf?", You shook your head as the both of you were now on the side walk. "What's wrong with you then?" You both now stood in front of the clothing shop.

"Buy me a T-shirt", you commanded. Although your command sounded more like a desperate favour. This was way out of your comfort zone.

You never asked for anything,especially from someone you barely knew. You swallowed, If he denied it'd be alright. You could use what he had said earlier against him, 'Ill make it up to you'. His words replayed in your head.

You weren't facing Sawyer, instead you looked towards the window of the shop looking at the clothes on display.

Noticing the reflection of the window showed Sawyer staring intently at you. "Are you really that paranoid?", He scoffed. You gripped the hem of your skirt In response.

You felt the glare he was shooting you, He groaned,"Ughh, I can't complain I did promise to make it up to you", grabbing your arm leading you inside the shop.

"Grab what you want, I'll be waiting over there", He shot his thumb over his shoulder towards the changing rooms.

He turned and walked off.

'I can't believe I did that', you let out a deep breath. A tinge of guilt made you frown, 'We probably wouldn't have gotten in trouble'. It was no big deal.

You quickly walked around the small shop, wanting to find the cheapest shirt fast.

You settled on a plain grey shirt. The color suited your dark blue skirt. Quickly making your way towards the changing room you abruptly halted.

Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a boy around your age, he seemed to be crying.

His dark brown hair looked disheveled, his tan arm wiping away tears and his hand clenched around his phone.

'Whys he crying?', you wanted to approach him. Before you could react Sonders act popped up into your head.

You looked down and shook your head,'No, this boy wouldn't be crying in the middle of a shop all for an act. You didn't wanna believe it.

'Should I comfort him?'

Today really is eventful, You let out a sigh as you approached the boy. Not wanting to startle him you made sure he knew your presence.

"Hi, are you alright?", You quietly asked the boy. He looked at you lowering his arm. "Um...Yeah... Don't worry about it", he turned around and began walking away.

"If you like you can talk to me", He paused. "I know we don't know each other but I don't mind listening", you wanted to bash your head onto a brick. Your awkwardness wasn't helping.



"Yeah, If you're comfortable with it", The boy turned around once more. "Thank you". You smiled up at him as he approached you.

His puffy red eyes stared down at you, "If it's alright with you can we cha-"
"Y/NNNN" the familiar whine of Sawyer cut off the boy, "What's taking yo-, oh!. Who's this?". You looked from Sonder to the boy. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable you quickly handed Sawyer your T-shirt. "I want this shirt", He raised a brow at you. "Seems too big don't you think?".

He held the shirt up to you. "No it's perfect", you quickly replied. "Alright I'll go pay, Don't take to long chatting with your friend". He shot the male another glance before walking off.

You looked back at the male, "Ah, are you busy?", he asked. "Um..."
"It's okay, but if the offer to chat is still up can w-". You quickly shook your head, "Yep, anytime".

He smiled, "Thank you, do you have any social media or a phone number?". You nodded pulling out your phone, "I'll give you my number."

Once the exchange was done you met up with Saywer in front of the shop. Many questions ran through your head all concerning the male. You face palmed, you didn't even catch his name.

"Who was he?", you shrugged "Dunno, I didn't catch his name".
"Why was he crying?"
"What'd you talk about?"
"Not much"

He scoffed, "You talked to someone you don't even know didn't even get a name or a reason as to why he was crying".

You nodded, Although it was out of your comfort zone you were happy to at least let the male know you were there if he wanted to talk. You wanted to be there for others.

You smiled looking up at Saywer he stared down a bit startled. "Im glad we skipped today".


I feel like I'm progressing things to quickly •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀

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