7) Gullible

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"Let's go on the swings!" Sawyer ran before you could respond. You let out a small sigh as you walked behind.

Shortly after you both left the arcade Sawyer decided to take you to the park. It was around 4pm.

The sun still up and bright. You watched as Sawyer sat on a swing. "Hurry up!" He shouted impatiently.

You rolled your eyes heading over to a bench putting your stuff down.

You smiled setting down a small plushie that Sawyer had won for you. You rolled your eyes once more remembering the way he smiled as he threw the plushie into your arms.

"Guess who's the winner now, I won that plushie fair and square" his words replayed in your head.

'He's so competitive and stubborn' you thought.

"Y/NNNN!, Hurry up" Sawyer wined. "I'm going, be patient" You groaned.

You quickly took the swing next to Sawyer, "You gotta have some patience" You looked over at Sawyer who was already facing you.

"You gotta pick up your pace" He smiled. "That's not an excuse" You huffed.

"It is to me" He began to throw both his legs back and forth, slowly picking up momentum.

"Let's see who could get the highest!" He shook his head, getting his dark curls out of his face.

"Alright, but you can't cheat" You replied. "I'll try not to" he chuckled.

You began to copy Saywers movement. The swing creaked and squeaked. The silence between you two felt calm. You couldn't help but smile. The sun was bright and the wind blew nicely against your face.

You closed your eyes for a bit. "I'm higher than you!" Sawyer shouted causing you to snap your eyes open.

'He acts like an elementary kid' you turned to face him.

He was infact higher than you. He had the biggest grin plastered on his face. He threw his head back letting out a small chuckle.

"I'm winning!" He yelled. "No you're not" You giggled.

He turned to face you. You were now ahead of him. You gave him a wide grin picking up the pace.

Sawyer soon followed letting out a small huff. You giggled once more in response.

"What's with your addiction of wanting to win so badly?" You questioned Sawyer.

"It feels nice" He replied, "Even if you cheat to get your win?" You asked.

"Yes, If I want to win I'll win. I find a way to get what I want" He turned his head in your direction, "And I want to win".

'He has such an obsession with his wins and wants' You thought

You turned your head to him, the sun enhanced his grey eyes as they pierced into yours. They gleamed and shimmered as an intense feeling seemed to rise within the both of you.

"Are you gonna chuck your shoe at me so you'll win?" You quickly snapped your head away.

"Maybe" Your eyes widened a bit, He laughed "Im kidding, I'll just keep swinging till you get tired"

His laughter died down as he stared down at his feet, "Today was really fun Y/N"

You looked at Sawywr, "Yeah, It was"
'Although the cheating wasn't' You looked away.

"Im glad you enjoyed it as well, I haven't had this much fun in a while"

"Why's that?"

"I was lonely" he paused, "But not anymore were friends now" he smiled.

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