chapter fifteen

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i opened the door to see scara sitting on the couch, using his phone.

"hey hon, you're home." scara sat up and looked at me.

"yeah. are you ready to talk?" i sat down next to him.

"yes, of course. what did you want to talk about?" he pulled me closer to him.

"well... quinn told me that you were talking to her about us having relationship problems. i was upset because you went to her first and not me." i admitted.

"woah, i didn't tell quinn that?" scara looked surprised.

"really? what did you say to her then?" i looked confused.

"honestly... i told her i was scared you were going to fall out of love with me. i have anxiety about being in relationships, but i usually keep it to myself." scara told me.

"oh... hold on, let me show you what she said." i pull out my phone, and show him the text messages between me and quinn that day.

"yeah, i didn't say anything like that. i can show you what i told her, even though it's pretty embarrassing to admit my relationship anxiety." he pulls up the messages between them as well.

"shit. why'd she say all that then? that's so weird, she's never lied like that before." i said.

"i don't know, maybe she just misinterpreted it. i can ask her about it later." he responded.

"i really hope she just misinterpreted it. i was really upset with you, now i feel even worse for getting so mad earlier." i covered my face with my hands.

"hey, it's alright. i understand why you were so upset. im just glad we got this misunderstanding taken care of." scara hugged me tightly.

"thank you for understanding. can you text quinn now?"

i was eager to figure out why quinn had said all that. i was really hoping it was just a misunderstanding, but it was possible that she was doing it on purpose.


"hey y/n? i just talked to quinn." scara said as he walked in the bedroom.

"yeah? what'd she say?" i looked up from my book.

"she got really upset with me, and she accused of me of a bunch of shit, and she said that i should be dating her rather than you." he calmly explained.

"that's a lot." i say.

"yeah. i think she's blocked our numbers as well, and apparently she's gonna release a twitlonger about us in an attempt to cancel us." he rolls his eyes.

"what is she even going to say? there's not much to cancel us over..." i smirk, laughing a bit.

"i have no idea, but we still have to be careful. she could fabricate stuff. it'll be easy to disprove if she does, but ive gotta get ready if there's a bunch of hate." he sighs.

"yeah, i guess that is true. but we're gonna get through this together." i smile.

he comes over to the other side of the bed and lays down next to me.

"yeah, you're right. im gonna just sleep for now. wake me up if anything crazy happens." he says.

since he was going to sleep so early, it was only fitting for me to sleep as well. i decided to check twitter one last time tonight, just in case.

 i decided to check twitter one last time tonight, just in case

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