♡︎ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ sɪx♡︎

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"Jenna!!!!" Y/n shouted as soon as she saw her best friend and ran towards her finally engulfing her in a hug

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"Jenna!!!!" Y/n shouted as soon as she saw her best friend and ran towards her finally engulfing her in a hug.

"Y/n!!" Jenna shouted smiling and soon Y/n crashed into her engulfing her in a hug.

"I missed you soo much!!" Y/n said breaking the hug but a big smile adorning her face seeing Jenna after so long.

"I missed you too Y/n. How are you? Are you taking care of yourself?" Jenna asked smiling.

"Yes yes. I am doing very well and yes my dear best friend I am taking care of myself." Y/n said smiling.

"Finally you are back Jenna! How is uncle doing now?" Taehyung asked to the female.

"He is better now Taehyung. Just needs a little bed rest for a week but he is recovering well. How are you? I am sorry about whatever happened." Jenna said. Her face showed sadness for her friend.

"I am fine Jenna. Who says mom is not here? She will always be in my heart, hyung's heart and everyone's heart. She is always around us." Taehyung said with a soft smile.

"Right! Now shall we go in or you all want a detention for the day?" Hoseok asked making the friend group hurry and rushed towards their class.


"I am so happy that you are back!" Hoseok said smiling towards Jenna who smiled back at her friend. Friend? Yes only friend.

"Me too Hoseok. Thank you for being there with me. You are truly an amazing friend." Jenna said making Hoseok's smile wide.

"That's nothing Jenna. If you ask me to bring the stars for you then I would do that too." Hoseok said not knowing his one sentence made Jenna's heart flip.

"Well that's something I would say to Y/n. Hoseok, your words have another meaning also." Taehyung teased his best friend.

"Oh shut it Tae! A friend can also say that to a friend isn'it Jenna?" Hoseok smiled and asked to which Jenna just nodded her head with a small smile.

"Guys, since we all are free in the evening so let's have a get together at my house? I am alone-" Before Y/n could say something Jenna said.


"Yes, I mean today only my family went to Australia. But Tae wants wants to stay at my place till my family is back." Y/n explained.

"If that's the case then I can stay with you Y/n. My parents are still at our home town so I am kind of staying alone at our home here. What do you say?" Jenna asked.

"That would be great Jenna! You bring your things in the evening." Y/n said not noticing a sulking Taehyung.

"Stop sulking Tae. You and the rest can also come and stay at my place. You can ask Yoongi hyung and Jungkook as well. We will have a nice weekend with more people." Y/n said making her boyfriend smile and nod.

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