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"How is Tae doing?" Jenna asked Hoseok who was looking towards one particular room

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"How is Tae doing?" Jenna asked Hoseok who was looking towards one particular room.

"He is sleeping right now. After crying for hours he finally slept." Hoseok said. His voice vulnerable.

"It's a hard time for everyone and mostly for Tae and Y/n's cousin." Jenna said but when she saw Hoseok sheding silent tears she got worried and in an instant put her palm on his right shoulder.

"What happened Hoseok? Why are you crying?" Jenna asked.

"I just can't see my best friend suffer anymore. How much more does he need to cry, does he need to suffer pain?" Hoseok said crying for his best friend who was going through so much. Jenna could not see Hoseok cry and without thinking she engulfed him in a tight hug telling him that everything would be fine.

"It's okay Hoseok. Everything is going to be fine very soon. We need to be strong for them! Y/n is in coma right now. We don't know when will she wake up but atleast we can hope that she will be up soon. Tae needs us in this hard time." Jenna said as Hoseok tightened the hug.

"Jenna, can I ask you something? Please don't say no." Hoseok said as he broke the hug and looked towards Jenna's eyes straightaway.

"What do you want to ask?" Jenna asked with her heart beating faster than usual.

"Why didn't you contact me in all these years ever since I left Seoul? Even if you don't love me but I thought we could atleast remain friends. I had no news about you. The only way I get to know about you was through Y/n but later on you contacted less with her. Why did you do that? Am I not worth your friendship?" Hoseok asked. His eyes sheding tears.

"It's not like that Hoseok. You are worth of so many good things. I got busy with work so I did not contact you. And with Y/n as well I did not contact her too much." Lie. Once again Jenna was lying but this time maybe her lies were ready to be caught red-handed by the male standing in front of her.

"If that is the thing then why are you taking these pills? Why are you taking the pills for heart disease?" That's it. Jenna knew her lies were caught.

"W-where did you get these from? These are not mine." Jenna said trying to cover up.

"Few minutes ago you left them near the water bottle paying machine. I saw you taking these tablets." Hoseok said making Jenna shed tears. She had realized that it was time for her to reveal the truth to Hoseok.

"Yes these are mine. And I have been taking these tablets since years now. Two days before you, Taehyung and Y/n left from Seoul along with Seokjin Oppa, I came to know that I had a hole in my heart. The doctor examined me before I left for my job in abroad and then he came to know about my condition. He said that I have been having this hole since birth but since I never got any symptoms so it was never detected. And since the hole was already a big one, it was impossible to make me better. However I was given medications and if my heart gets strong enough then they would operate me or go for a transplant." Jenna said. Her each and every word stinging as knife in Hoseok's heart. He hugged her once again shedding tears.

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