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a few days later
jungkooks pov

i walk through the mall with daniel and sigh a little as loads of girls gather around him taking photots and yelling how much they love him.

Daniel looks at me "just go on without me babe, you have my card" i sigh and then walk away "yeah, not like its our anniversary or anything..." i look down and then walk to a store and look around smiling a little

jimins pov

i walk into the mall with taehyung in full disguises and masks on and look around "id say of we put the...thing here then it would kill the monst peo- isnt that jungkook? the heros wife?" taehyung looks up as i point into a store. he nods "yeah"

i tilt my head "where the fuck is the hero?" i then smirk getting an idea, i walk over to jungkook "excuse me?" he turns to me "oh hello" ismile under my mask "arent you the superheros wife?" he huffs "im not his wife no, im his boyfriend"

he then gestures over to the massive crowd "hes over there if you want him" i shake my  head "no, actually i admire you" he tilts his head and giggles "you do? why?" i chuckle "well youre with the most popular man in this country, it must be hard"

he shrugs "i guess...whats your name by the way? sound so familiar" i gulp a little "my name is Jack!" he holds his hand out to me "well its nice to meet you jack" i shake his hand "yes, you too"

he then steps back slightly and looks over at the crowd, i smile "can i take you to get a coffee and some mochi?" his eyes light up a little "id love to get some mochi for sure" i smile and then hold my hand out and he grabs it and i then glance over at taehyung who was smirking and he then nods

step 2 complete~
now bring the hero into place will be easy.
now that i have his biggest weakness!

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