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jimins pov


i look at jungkook and smirk "aw well look who has arrived~"
Daniel kicks the door down and stands in front of me, he then looks at jungkook and gasps "My love!"

jungkook rolls his eyes "im fine" Daniel glares at me "you let him go park jimin, its over!"
i smirk and step to the side to show a screen which shows taehyung and jin placing a bomb in the town center ehich could blow up the entire city

Daniel gasps "no!" i chuckle "oh poor little hero, trapped in my game~"
Daniel glares at me "you wouldnt! it would kill you all too!" i shrug "its a risk me and my team are willing to take"

i hold up the remote while yoongi holds a gun to jungooks temple.
i look at Daniel "the choice is yours, your pretty little boyfriend...or the city~"

Daniel looks at jungkook and jungkook looks at him with fear filled eyes. i look at jungkook and my heart breaks a little seeing his face.

Daniel sighs and looks at the screen "im sorry my love" My eyes widen a little and jungkook gasps "w-wait.."

Yoongi laughs "youre choosing the city over the love of your life?!" Daniel looks at jungkook "ill come back for you i swear!" he then rushes out not looking back,

i look at jungkook shocked and he looks down with tears in his eyes "please pull the trigger" Yoongi looks at me and i shake my head.
i walk to jungkook amd crouch down in front of him

"A hero would sacrafice the one he loves to save the world...a villian would sacrafice the world to save the one he loves"

jungkook looks at me shocked. i untie him "im not going to kill you....but i think you should consider joinin-"
jungkook cuts me off "ill join you! i dont care! please let me join!"

i smirk "welcome to the team~"
this is perfect, revenge is just a wonderful thing~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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