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Jimins pov

i look at jungkook as he sits sadly eating his mochi i bought him, i gently rest my hand ontop of his "whats wrong? you seem sad"

He sighs "i put my whole life on hold for daniel, and what do i get back?..a lifetime of 'can you take our picture' hurts y'know?" i look at him sadly "yeah that sounds awful"

he shrugs "i guess ill get used to it again" i shake my head "i dont think thats fair, y'know i have a hypothetical question for you" he nods "sure whats up?"

i lean back in my chair and see yoongi and jin walk into the store, i smile "if someone took you hostage and also the city, which would he save?" jungkook giggles "y'know ive thought about this a hoping maybe hed chose me"

i nod "well we can hope huh" he looks at me "we can hope what? you gonna kidnap me jack?" he giggles

i sit there not answering him and he then drops his fork as he stares at me "youre not jack....are you" i smirk a little "i enjoyed our talk, but lets test your little boyfriend huh?~"

his eyes widen and he then goes to screm but yoongi covers his mouth quickly while jin grabs his arms. i look around and see the store empty, i chuckle "namjoon did good with getting everyone out" jin rolls his eyes "yes jimin shove a gun in peoples face and people will move"

i stand up "dude youre just grumpy cause i inturrupted your morning sex" he nods "yes jimin"

yoongi huffs "can you two stop bickering and help me hold this brat down" i look at them and laugh a little seeing jungkook kicking yoongi. i walk to him and then tie his legs together and his wrists together and then blindolf him and then tie a rag around his mouth so he cant scream.

i then pick him up over my shoulder

now lets test what that little hero will chose~
the city
or his love~

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