Chapter 6: A Doctor Inside VShojo Group

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(It seems like you've been trying to alternate one each chapter per story)

(A/N): I know, i'm still trying to find a way to keep this story up, if it doesn't work, then i will either delete it or give it to someone

(Nonsense, this story is quite interesting, especially that our main protagonist is about to be a Vtuber)

(A/N): Except he and 2BDamned are the only males in that industry

(Which is why you're trying to get this story in check, right Author?)

(A/N): Yup! Now, let's skip the recap and jump straight into the story instead!

(Hmm...Very well, we shall jump straight to the point, after all...

The two of them are about to have a crazy adventure...)

-Vshojo Building-
-Day Time-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, the camera shows Y/N, aka: Deimos and 2BDamned, alias: Doc, walking down the street to head towards Vshojo HQ...

On their way, they were walking with Kson and Hajime since they happen to cross paths with the former mercenaries...

The girls immediately started asking questions about 2BDamned's acquaintance with Y/N)

Kson: "You two go way back at Nevada? How was that like back there?"

Y/N: "A whole fucking wasteland where chaos is everywhere, even if you have to face a crazy ass zombie clown with godlike power that can nuke the whole state"

2BDamned: "He's not wrong, Nevada isn't a good place to live...So we thought of escaping from that state and now here we are"

Hajime: "It must've been hard for you two to survive like that..."

Y/N: *shrugs* "You gotta you whatcha gotta do, it was either killed or be killed"

2BDamned: "Amen to that..."

Kson: "Oh well, now you guys are here with your new jobs!"

2BDamned: "Which i'm quite surprised you got hired"

Y/N: "They will pay us good! As long as i don't get caught smoking"

2BDamned: "Have you thought of using Vape?"

Y/N: "Fuck that shit! You bring one of those and i will shove it up in your ass!"

2BDamned: "No wonder Sanford tried multiple times to make you stop smoking"

Y/N: *sighs* "Blame Tricky for killing him"

2BDamned: "...I know"

Hajime: "Was Sanford your friend?"

Y/N: "Heh, he was like a brother to me, we were the best duo on our mercs life!"

2BDamned: "Should i remind you almost got shot by him when you scared him while wearing an Engineer's mask?"

Let's get the party started!!! (Vshojo x Male Deimos Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now