Valentine's Dinner

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Setting: It's Valentine's Day and Tarlos wants to have a nice evening (I first posted this on ao3 on Valentine's Day)

TK's shift ends before Carlos today. Which was not planned at all. (Why would you think that?). Thanking Captain Vega for making it possible TK changes quickly, says goodbye to everyone and leaves the station.

For today TK planned the perfect evening. Normally he and Carlos enjoy the peace together after a shift. At home alone after having dealt with people and their problems enough. Sure they love their jobs but they also enjoy their time together.

At home the paramedic starts to prepare everything. Taking out the ingredience, cooking and baking a delicious meal and trying to make everything as perfect as possible. He keeps the dinner warm in the oven and starts setting the table.

A table cloth, plates and silverware. Glasses, candles and roses he got on his way home. The red roses are certainly an eyecatcher but they look beautiful. Everything looks good. Perfect. Everything smells good. Perfect. Everything he tried tasted good. Perfect. Now he needs to quickly hop under the shower and change before Carlos gets home.


Today was a rough day at work. A lot of calls came in today and Carlos has no clue how he always happened to be the closest to the scene. Some street fights, neighbour complaints, false alerts, the whole package. He rarely got a minute to himself and his break ended early, ten minutes before it would've ended by a call. A lady thought her wallet got stolen from her purse. A few moments after Carlos arrived she remembered that she accidentally forgot it at home. When Carlos thought he could have his last ten minutes break he's wrong because the next call came in.

Three of the street fights Carlos got called to today were about a girl. Two boys fighting about a girl. Three different times. Funny. Valentines day is about love. Not about fighting with someone else over the person you love. It's maybe a way to prove love but it's not a good way. Right now Carlos would describe the perfect way as an evening with TK and eating dinner together. He's hungry. He misses TK. It's valentines day. An evening with TK and TK only. That's all he wants right now and all he thinks off as he makes his way home.


"Hey babe" Carlos says when he opens the door to the loft. Immediatly he's greeted with a delicious smell. "Hey you" TK answers and comes out of the bedroom. After the shower he put on some fresh pants and a navi blue shirt. With one of the roses in his hand TK goes to his boyfriend and greets him with a kiss. "This is nice" Carlos mumbles with a grin, kissing TK again and this time a little longer. "Happy Valentines day baby" the other man says "I made dinner".

"Oh good. I'm starving" Carlos answers and laughs "Mind if I fresh up quickly?". "Not at all. I finish setting the table" TK answers and kisses his boyfriend again before going to the kitchen. Carlos goes to the bathroom with the rose in his hand and a big smile on his lips. TK knows him so well. This is exactly what he imagined and since they both had shifts today it's most likely also what TK likes to do this evening.


A few minutes later Carlos comes back and sees the table. Roses, candles and a delicious dinner. Carlos too changed into some jeans and a tight olive green shirt. "This looks so good" he says and goes to the table. "I thought a nice quiet evening would be the nicest for the two of us today" TK explains and kisses his boyfriend "Sit so the food doesn't get cold".

Both men sit down at the table and start eating. "How was work?" Carlos asks between two bites and oh god it tastes so good. "Today was okay I guess. We got a call from a young man who wanted to give her girlfriend chocolate for valentines day. It was hazelnut chocolate and she had an allergic reaction. Apparently she told him and he never listened so they ended up breaking up and making a scene in front of us. Tragic for them but funny to watch" TK tells laughing.

With that he makes Carlos laugh too. That was exactly what he needed. "What about you?" TK then asks and the other man shrugs "The usual. But we got called to three fights where two boys were fighting over a girl. Didn't realized that's a thing until today". He tries to keep it short. It really annoys him but he doesn't want to rant about that to TK on valentines day.

While eating dinner TK and Carlos talk about everything and nothing. TK made dinner perfect and after such a long and exhausting day it's amazing how Carlos already feels so much better.

Once done the couple cleans the table and the kitchen together and finally sits down on the couch with a comforter over their legs. Carlos immediatly uses the opportunity to cuddle into his boyfriends arms. "Rough day?" TK asks and the other man shakes his head "Just long but now it's good". "I love you" he adds and TK answers "I love you too" before pressing a kiss on the top of Carlos head.

A good way to spend the evening. A perfect way to celebrate valentines day.

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