Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

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I walk around the town I landed in just to see other ponies around me, some bearing horns like me, wings, or nothing at all.

I realise that it's getting late and I need to find a place to sleep.

So I head for the nearest alley.

I sit down under a makeshift shelter made of a cardboard slab placed on top of two trash cans.

A wave of sleepiness rushes over me and I fall asleep.

-Dream (it's a flashback)-

I'm running down a hall towards a door.

The Daleks behind me are shooting willy nilly trying to get me.

It feels like a game of tag except there's millions of taggers and one runner. Plus if you get tagged, you die.

I reach the door and pull on it, locked.

"Damn it."

"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE THE TIMELORD!" The Daleks are getting closer.

"It's TimeLady to you!" I yell as one shoots me in my left heart.

The door flies open and I fall into space, down towards a planet in a ball of regeneration energy.

I close my eyes.

-Dream/Flashback End-

I wake up sweating. The sun rays beating down on me from above. My cardboard ceiling had blown away.

I think about my dream and scowl.

"I didn't need to be reminded how shit went down thank you very much!"

I see a mirror leaning against the wall to my right and I decide to see what I look like.

I walk up to it and look in,"Mirror, Mirror on the wall. What the (f)uck do I look like?"

I see a dark blue unicorn with long brown hair. I have one brown eye and one bright green eye. I have a white stocking on my hind right leg. I've got appaloosa markings which, to be honest, look freaking AWESOME!!!! My tail looks like a snakes but with hair the same colour as my mane on one side at the end.

I have round glasses and freckles. I look cute.

I turn to the side to look at myself from a different angle. That's when I see a pencil going through a heart on my rump.

It looks so 3D but it's actually 2D and plastered on the side of my rump. I run my hoof over it and see that it's part of me.

"What the hell?" I say looking at it.

That's when I hear someone yell my name.

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