Highschool- (n) def- Not a place for a TimeLady

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I walk into the hallway lined with doors to dorm rooms

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I walk into the hallway lined with doors to dorm rooms.

Serum walks off to her dorm and I'm left standing alone, looking like an idiot.

While I'm struggling to find a way to get to my room without looking like an idiot, I feel something pulling me towards a certain door.

I walk up to it and see my name on the white board by the door.

I open the door and slip into my room, closing it behind me.

As I exhale a breath I never knew I was holding, I look around the room.

It's painted to look like space, with stars, and galaxies, planets, and suns. it's quite elaborate.

I look around some more to see a bed with a blue police public call box comforter.

Upon the bed are two small objects.

I almost scream when I realise what they are.

There's a Dalek and an Adipose.

I run into the closet and hide.

After about fifteen minutes of quiet closet hiding, I slowly crept out.

While I cautiously walk up to the small Dalek and Adipose, I see that they will not move.

I use magic to pick up the Dalek and squeeze it.

It squeaks.

I laugh at myself,"Its only a stuffy."

Somepony knocks on my door so I go to open it.

An orange pony with a short red mane is standing outside.

She lets herself into my room and sits on the bed.

I see wings on her sides that have yellow feathers, a white snip on her muzzle, and when I look down, a white pastern on her front, left hoof.

"Uuuuuuuuum... What are you doing?" I ask.

The pony laughs sarcastically,"Analex. You know perfectly well why I'm here."

I scratch the back of my head,"Uhm. do I?"

She stands back up,"You owe me twenty dollars." She takes a step towards me,"And it's waaaaaaaaay over do."

I look around the room and spot a wallet lying on a blue desk, so I trot over to it and quickly open it with magic.

Y'know how in the old cartoons when someone opens an empty wallet and a moth flies out? I swear if I were in one of those cartoons tons of moths would be flying everywhere.

I gulped and turned towards the enraged pegasus,"Well. Uhm. I don't have any money at the moment but I can go get some...?" I smile weakly.

The pegasus looks so enraged that her muzzle has turned as red as her hair,"You said that last time, and the time before that. I ain't gonna-"

"It's 'I'm not going to'." I interrupt,"If your going to yell at me, please, at least use correct grammar."

The pegasus is so enraged that she spreads her wings and flares her nostrils, her green eyes filled with hatred,"IM GIVING YOU TWO DAYS!!!" She yells,"IF YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY BY THEN...!!!!!

Omg such cliffhanger. TTYL MY LITTLE TIMETOTS!!!!

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