Jonah + Adam(just homies hanging out)

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this is just them on weed lol.

Edit: I decided to change it to a plus sign because I feel like the x is giving a different feeling so yeah

Jonah and Adam were hanging out in the living room, have a nice time with each other. Talking about their lives and how it's going. Jonah put a hand, in their pockets searching for something then lifted a bag of something. Adam looked at them, with curiosity and what the fuck that was in that little baggy.

"Yo dude have you ever tried weed?" Jonah said with a smirk on his face, lifting the weed up to Adam. Adam looked at him with a look of questioning "where the fuck did you get this. and.." Adam looked at them then smirked "fuck yeah I want to try some weed" They both giggled and smiled at each other. Jonah prepared the weed to be smoked, Jonah got a lighter and some paper. They then started to put some weed in the small paper and roll it up. They did it a couple times for the other ones then lifted one up and handed it to Adam.

"Dude this is going to be so wild" Adam said starting to laugh a bit "hell yeah it is, we're going to be so stoned and end up seeing colors!" Jonah said lifting one of the rolled up papers stuffed with weed, and put it near their mouth Lifting the lighter. They lit up rolled up paper. Jonah handed the lighter to Adam, and Adam did the same thing as Jonah

4 hour later......

"Ddduuudddee My hand isssssso weird looking" Jonah said laying on the couch, high out of his mind and seeing colors and different shapes around the room. while Adam was on the floor seeing colors and seeing different things, like cats around the room and butterflies and squares. Jonah and Adam were both laughing while smoking the weed "this was a- Ggreat iideea mmmaaannn" Adam said while laughing a bit more and louder "dude yoooou soun sooo creepy when you laugh, it's so ffffunnnunyy ha! Hahaha!" Jonah said while laughing with Adam. The room smelled of weed and some alcohol, smoke was around the room coming from the weed.







"ADAM AND JONAH, WHAT IN THE FUCKING GOD HAPPENED HERE?!" Sarah said walking inside the house seeing it was a mess. bottles, smoked, and random shit everywhere that shouldn't be there. And looking at Adam on the floor who was laughing crazy with hands in the air, Jonah who was on the couch with alcohol and weed he was smoking laughing a bit with Adam. Then they both got in big trouble and had to clean up the mess.

The end lol

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