Oh noes! Darts

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(3rd Person PoV)

Scene Set!

Setting was late in the night and at the You Show Duel field.

Two duelists were facing off but for what reason?

"I set Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician in the Pendulum zones! I Pendulum summon!" Yuya shouted.

Then she successfully pendulum summoned three monsters.

Performapal Whipsnake, Performapal Sword fish and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

"You did it! You finally Pendulum Summoned!" Gongenzaka cheered.

"Yeah," Yuya yawned.

"It only took you 291 tries! I'm so sorry that it took too long even if I was your only dueling partner," Gongenzaka was moved to tears.

He then hugged Yuya who just congratulated herself sleepily and drifted off to sleep. It was late after all.

(The next day)

Scene Set!

Setting was the middle school, Paradise Prep School

"Zzzzzz...Pendulum...pendulum," Yuya muttered as she had her head down on the desk and was sleep talking.

"Yuya, wake up. Wake up or you'll get in trouble," Yuichi tried waking her up but to no avail.

"Yuya Sakaki, can you answer the math problem on the board," the teacher asked.

Yuya didn't respond for she was still asleep.

Yuichi glanced nervously at her and then the teacher.

Due to Yuya not responding, a red tick mark appeared on the teacher's head.

"YUYA SAKAKI!" The teacher shouted which woke Yuya up.

"I activate Timegazer Magician and Stargazer Magician in the Pendulum Zones!" She yelped before realizing that she was not dueling right now.

Some people snickered at this while Yuichi silently groaned at this.

The teacher got right up in Yuya's face and asked, "What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"Ummm...the right one," Yuya sweat dropped and then got smacked by Yuichi's fan.

"The answer is never right with you, Yuya! Dumba*s, I swear," Yuichi snapped and muttered the last part under his breath.

"Mean!" Yuya sticked out her tongue at him.

Later after school, Yuichi and Yuya were walking towards the gates of the school.

"Look, I know you have been trying to master Pendulum Summoning but when it comes to school, don't daydream like that. You can get in serious trouble," he stated.

"Yeah yeah, but hey! You got a funny punchline out of it," Yuya giggled.

"That isn't the problem here!" Yuichi scolded.

"Oh hey, look," Yuya pointed to the gates.

"Don't change the subject here!" Yuichi snapped before looking to see what Yuya was pointing to.

"Big Bro! Big Sis!" Ayu, Tatsuya and Futoshi waved at them.

"Hi, you three!" Yuya jogged over to them with Yuichi behind him.

"I hear that you finally mastered Pendulum Summoning!" Futoshi exclaimed, excitedly.

"Yeah, I want to see. Can you show us?" Tatsuya asked.

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