Whispers of Unrealised Promises

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In the realm of shattered dreams, we stood, 

Two souls entwined, hearts beating as one should. 

We painted a future with colours bright and bold, 

But fate had other plans, a story left untold.

We dreamed of a life woven together, hand in hand, 

Building castles of love upon love's golden sand. 

Our laughter echoed through the corridors of time, 

As we dared to imagine a future so sublime.

We planned the days, the months, the years, 

With whispered promises, and joyful tears. 

We saw our love as an unbreakable bond, 

But life's unpredictable winds blew us beyond.

Oh, the pain of shattered plans and broken dreams, 

As reality tore at love's fragile seams. 

We believed in a love that would withstand, 

But our foundation crumbled like shifting sand.

In our hearts, we held the hope of forever, 

But circumstances shifted, our paths severed. 

Life's twists and turns took us far apart, 

Leaving a void, a chasm within each heart.

The dreams we nurtured, like withered petals fall, 

As the echoes of our plans fade into a distant call. 

The life we envisioned now slips through our grasp, 

Leaving us to mourn what we thought would last.

Yet, in the remnants of our shattered dreams, 

A bittersweet symphony of hope still gleams. 

For the love we shared, though it may not be, 

Will forever linger in our souls, eternally.

So let us grieve for the plans that were never meant to be, 

For the life we imagined, a mere fantasy. 

But in our sadness, let us find strength anew, 

To rebuild our lives, to seek a love that's true.

For though we once believed in a shared destiny, 

Sometimes love's course takes a different journey. 

And as we part ways, our hearts heavy and sore, 

We'll forever cherish the love we had, and more.

Farewell, my love, our paths may now divide, 

But the memories we crafted will forever reside. 

In the tapestry of our lives, your presence will remain, 

A bittersweet reminder of a love we couldn't sustain.

In the realm of shattered dreams, we find release, 

Accepting that some plans were never meant to cease. 

And as we move forward, hearts battered but strong, 

We'll carry the echoes of our love, forever on.

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