Chapter 1

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I woke up in the middle of the forest with a group of people. It was a bright and sunny day with little to no breeze. I was really confused, who were these strangers around me and why do they feel familiar. Someone spoke up and said, "Um so who are all you, and where are we?" I look around. I guess we are in a forest. It's pretty with the white trees with black spots. I notice someone back up looking kinda scared. They turn to try to run, trip and then fall to the ground.

That's when this all started. Someone else randomly said ow when the person tripped. They weren't even watching them when it happened. We all became more confused and then it happened again. This time it was to me. I turned and saw a person sitting on the ground rubbing their lower back. I guess they fell backwards. That night was a long one for all of us.

We figured out that we all are connected to someone and when they get hurt it hurts us. We sat by a fire and started to say our names since we are all stuck together from what it seems. A duo sitting together went first. The one with the tv for a head said, "My name is Mez and I guess I'm linked to this person over here called Iris." Iris nodded her head, waving a little. Then this other group went. A guy with white hair said, "My name is Rth and the person that I'm linked to is Midsummer." They pointed to a girl with dark hair that had a checkered pattern for a face.

I turned to the person sitting next to me and asked their name, this was the person I was bound to apparently. They said it was Mili and so I stood up and said, "My name is Luna and the person I'm bound to is Mili." I pointed to Mili who was sitting next to me. Mili had brown hair and pure white eyes with a little green that I noticed everyone had in different places. The next group went and a guy with cat ears stood up and said, "My name is Night and the person I'm bound to is Spector." The person behind them had fox ears and a tail they clung to Night and didn't say anything. The final group stood up and a bunny guy said, "My name is Lu and the person I'm linked to is Sky." Sky smiled and waved to us all. We all sat there in silence for a while.

Mez stood up and said, "Me and Iris are gonna go explore for a while and maybe find somewhere to live." The rest of the group also went their separate ways. I looked at Mili and we both got up and headed towards the river at the far end of the forest. Mili and I grabbed some logs of wood and made some quick tools. It was getting darker and the stars started to show in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We headed across the river and found a little area with trees caging it in making it almost invisible. It was like the trees made a wall to protect the little clearing.

There was also a massive invisible wall that traced the outline of the world they lived in. The wall was right behind the clearing adding more protection to the already protected area. Mili said this was a great place to set up for shelter and for possible a longer term home. I agreed I like the area a lot, the dark trees had this beautiful color to them that made it feel more like a home. We started to set up our little shelter and I got two beds ready for us. That night we slept under the stars and chatted about all the ideas we had for the future. The next day we started to set up a tiny farm so we wouldn't starve. While I was working on the farm Mili was making some bag-like items to help us carry stuff around.

We loaded up the bags with things we would need and headed back to the area we woke up in. We saw Night and Spector sitting by a little fire looking pretty ruffed up and tired. We sat down next to them and I said, "How did your guys' first night go?" They looked over and I heard Spector say, "It sucked, we found these creatures and they weren't friendly at all." I looked over and made eye contact with Mili and they gave a little smile and looked back at them. They then said, "You guys could come stay with us till you get a shelter set up." They looked at each other and started to chat. When they finished they said, "No we are good we don't want to bother you. And we are setting something up in the jungle forest over there in the trees."

We looked over and spotted their little tree house they were starting to make in the jungle across the tiny river. We chatted for a while longer then headed our separate ways again. Mili and I headed back towards the forest we set up in. For the rest of the day I worked on the house as Mili gathered us stuff from going mining. The next day went just as quiet. We never heard anyone pass by and we just did our own thing. The next day is when it all started to spiral.

We woke up that morning feeling productive and ready for the day. Mili told me they were going to go mining in this big ravine we found on the surface. I told them that's a good idea and while they do that I could work on getting us more food since everyone was having problems with food. As I was working I heard voices call out for me from across the river. I heard Midsummer say, "Luna are you over here?" I dropped what I was doing and headed out and spotted them. Midsummer and Rth spotted me and swam over to me.

They looked at me and said, "We were wondering where you and Mili went since no one has seen you guys." I looked back at them and told them that we found this place two days ago and decided to live here. We chatted for a bit longer, then it happened. Midsummer picked me up and said, "Now you're coming with us whether you like it or not." I tried to escape but they wouldn't let go. I called out for Mili and heard them in the distance. After they heard Mili they dropped me and ran.

Mili came running out right as they disappeared in the trees. Mili came over and said, "What happened?!?" I looked at them and all I could get out was that Midsummer and Rth tried to kidnap me while they were gone. Mili took me into the base and had me sit inside. They comforted me as I shook out of fear. I couldn't believe they tried to take me while Mili was gone. Not too long after they disappeared we saw a flash of yellow pop up out of nowhere.

It's like it was vibrating off the invisible wall for a second then vanished. I turned to Mili and we both shared a look of confusion. Not even 5 minutes later we saw a flash of red. We both stood up with shock, I grabbed Mili's hand and we headed towards the beginning area. As we arrived we saw Midsummer and Rth sitting in the middle and everyone else looking at them with shock. Mili kept me close, whispering in my ear that they didn't trust them and wanted me to stay close to them.

Upon closer look we saw that Rth's eyes were red and Midsummer had a red band around their wrist that before was green for them both. They looked around and then Midsummer said, "We died.... Twice." We all looked at them shocked. Midsummer started to explain that they were mining when they got exploded by a creature and then Rth went for their stuff and got exploded by another creature. I looked down at my wrist, I had three little hearts. They were all green at the moment. I told the others and we all came to the conclusion that we only have three lives.

We stayed there in silence for a minute. I could see the Rth and Midsummer twitching. They were looking around with this look in their eyes that called for what I would describe as blood. They wouldn't put their weapons down and were eyeing us all up and down. I just had this feeling of distrust with how they were acting

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