Chapter 3

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Mez, Iris, Spector, and Night came over the next day. We had a little party again to bring our spirits back up. Spector and Mez made the food, while they did that the rest of us played a game of chase. It was a blast playing and laughing like we did before the accident. We got back into our normal routine again hanging out when we had time and having parties. We didn't have any more campfire parties though. They made me nervous so we stopped so I was comfortable.

Night was telling me one day about how excited they were cause all that was left to do for the tree house was to build the top roof. They hung out for a bit and then left mentioning something about finishing it. I started to work on the sheep collecting the wool so it could be used to make some more clothing and blankets. I took it inside and started to get to work. I was making a blanket for Spector cause they mentioned wanting one when I showed them mine. Then I saw a flash of yellow outside of the window. It came from the wall.

Mili came running into the house like 8 minutes later. They told me that Night fell off the tree house when they were building the roof and died. Spector was comforting them and said to give them a bit so they could relax and to feel better. Me and Mili understood and agreed to go visit in 2 days so they could adjust. It was a quiet 2 days as we all did our own thing. I went over first so Mili could finish what they were doing. I climbed the stairs and knocked on the door.

Spector opened it and I came in, they told me what all happened and then went to get Night. He came out and I gave him a hug telling him I understood how he felt and if he needed anyone I would be here to listen. We chatted for a bit then heard another knock at the door. Mili came in and joined us. We all hung out and ate lunch. We left them after that and headed home. Mili put me on their shoulders and we went home. We laughed about all the sheep and animals at home being weird and how they made weird expressions.

After a few days we got back to the normal routine again. One of the days we got Mili and Iris to join us fishing. Spector still declined and just watched us. It was amazing and fun to get back to normal things again. We all knew it wasn't going to last, it never lasts too long. But we enjoyed it nonetheless making the most of the time we did have with each other. All we could do was hope.

I loved watching the stars from on top of the trees. It became my favorite thing to do on long cold nights after the accident. Mili went to sleep ages ago to my knowledge. Earlier that day we were fishing with our group like normal. Night, Spector, Mez and Iris came over and joined us on our little doc in the water. I didn't do as much fishing this time. I was too busy remembering what all happened to us in this short amount of time so I don't forget.

It was a blast and I wish things could stay like this forever. As I was sitting there thinking about the days, a warm hand touched my shoulder. I turned and saw Mili looking down at me. They said, "What are you doing out here, it's freezing come back inside." I turned back to the stars and wished life could stay like this forever. We went back in and went to sleep.

The next morning started with a bang. Just as Mili and I were having breakfast in our small home we saw a flash of red bounce off the walls followed by a yellow. We went outside and learned that Night and Spector turned red right after they died not too long ago. Mez and Iris also died and turned yellow like right after them. Mili and I split up to go get them from the beginning area and their house, and bring them to ours where it was safe. I made it to spawn to see Night and Spector sitting on the ground sad and upset. I walked over and asked what happened. Night said, "Spector was fighting some creatures while I was mining and one came up from behind and exploded and got her."

Spector looks really sad, so I go over and pick her up and say to Night. "Hey let's go over to mine, we can sit and fish. We can also find out what happened to Mez and Iris." They agree and we start to head to my house. As we get in the boat to head to the doc in the middle of our river I see Mili, Mez, and Iris also heading to the doc. We get out of the boat at the doc and we all take a seat where we normally sit.

Mili is the first to speak saying, "Mez and Iris got exploded by one of the creatures." I glance over and notice that they look upset and angry. I am the next to speak, saying, "Night and Spector also got exploded by one of the creatures." We all look at each other and sigh. I look around and pull out my fishing rod. "Does anyone want to fish for a bit to relax?" They all look around and nod.

Mili, Spector, and Iris just chill and chat. Mez, Night, and I are having a fishing competition while they chat. We notice it getting dark and start to head toward our house in the trees. I suggest that we have a group sleepover. They all agree and we show them the places to set their stuff up downstairs. We had a game night and after we finished we all headed to our separate sleep locations. As Mili sits and finishes their conversation with Iris I head up to the roof.

I find my spot and take a seat. The stars look just as beautiful as they always do. I truly wish this could last forever. But deep down I know it won't and that's fine. We all knew it wouldn't last. It truly never does last as we want it to. I went down early so Mili wouldn't worry about me and to get some sleep.

After the death that happened in the last few days we all played it safe and just stayed at our fishing area. We had little boat races and just played games in general. It was nice just being safe and comfortable. I taught Spector how to make clothing and blankets out of the wool we got from sheep. Night helped us build around the base to make it nicer and to add a small area they could stay.

Mez and Iris still lived in their base but they came over every day to hangout and chat. Mez helped me keep up with the farm since it could get hard for me to do with the burns still on my body. I tried to not let them know that it still hurt but they could tell. Their deaths didn't quite affect them like it did me. Since they got exploited for some reason it didn't leave that bad of affects it just left a mark on them. Night talked about how sometimes their back hurt because of the fall they died from.

We all tried our best to not talk about it but sometimes we needed to. We had the most pleasant next few weeks. It was strangely peaceful for once. I tried to just brush it off but it didn't work. We got back into things when the calm took over. Mili, Mez, and Night went mining ever so often so we had tools to work with. They made sure to go mining together so they wouldn't die. It still gave me anxiety that they were mining but I couldn't fight it since we need stuff.

This day would be the worst day to ever exist. I knew something felt off when I woke up. It just didn't feel right, Mili didn't feel it so I tried to brush it off. We did our normal morning things, Night and Spector came in for breakfast cause Mili always made breakfast. We ate breakfast, it was great like normal, then we did our jobs. Mili ran off saying something about how they had to go grab something and wouldn't be back for a while. I think they mentioned something about having to grab some plants from the other side of the world. Then it happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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