Chapter 2

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Mili decided to bring up to the group that they tried to kidnap me. Everyone was shocked and they just tried to brush it off saying that they were trying to take me here to hangout. Mili took me and started to head home telling people we were going home cause they didn't trust the "Reds". We got home and we sat in the kitchen. I was sitting on the counter and Mili was just standing at the counter by the stove. Mili told me to stay away from them cause they weren't to be trusted.

We didn't really hangout with the others much after that. Mili didn't want us to get hurt or even killed if the reds randomly showed up. I was just hanging out at the base when Mez showed up. They saw me from across the river and got excited and came running over. I backed up at first then stopped thinking to myself Mili is just in the house I will be fine. Mez comes up and says, "Hey Luna would you mind if I hangout with you and Mili for a bit. The reds are really scary and I don't want to get hurt." They looked like they meant it so I brought them in.

I opened the door to the house I called out for Mili. They came downstairs and I explained what happened. We let Mez inside and we sat and had a nice conversation over some warm tea and fresh bread that I made earlier. They told us that everyone was on edge since the incident and didn't really like to hangout. The only ones that even hung out with them were Night and Spector but they were even scared of them. Mez then asked us if it was fine for them and Iris to live over here so they could feel safe. I looked over at Mili and they said, "Yea go for it just don't do anything that might cause problems."

They left saying they were going to get their stuff and to pick up Iris from Night and Spector's home. They came back later with Iris and started to construct a home on the other side of us by the water. The rest of the night went by peacefully without problems. We had a little campfire and chatted about what we found fun and interesting so far. It was a nice experience to have with our new neighbors.

The next morning Mili gave me a gift to help pass the time when they were working on stuff. It was a fishing rod, it was super cute and really pretty. I took it out to the water and started to fish. It was a blast and made the long days where Mili was busy so much easier to handle. Mez came over one of the times while I was fishing and got excited and joined me. We had a blast. We held a little competition between us to make it more fun.

One day when me and Mez were doing one of these competitions, Night came wandering over and wanted to join us. We got them a fishing rod and let them join us. Having more people made it a lot better. Night left for a bit to go get Spector so they didn't get lonely. That night we had a big party, fishing and just hanging around the fire. Mili and Iris watched as Mez, Night, and I fished up all sorts of items. Spector took a nap by the fire as we continued to fish for another hour. We told them if they wanted to they could just stay the night since it was already dark.

That's when we started the fishing group. Almost every other night we would gather to go fishing. Mili and Iris always just watched us and chatted away. Spector was on the quiet side but would just play with their feet in the water. I enjoyed those days so much. I wouldn't trade them for anything. I wish It would last forever but that wouldn't work forever and we knew it.

It started like a normal day for the most part. Then suddenly Night came through the door telling us that the reds had Sky trapped. We came to the beginning area and found that Sky was trapped in a box of dark stone in their house. They kept asking to see Lu but Sky couldn't answer since they didn't know where they were at. We had to distract them so we could get them out. We got them out and went home with them.

Sky told us about how they threatened to kill them if Lu didn't come. They were scared so we had them stay at our house. Mez and Night went to find Lu so we could get them here to get and protect Sky. We sat and had tea with them while we waited for Lu to come. It was nice and calm, Lu picked them up and left. That was a very adventurous day. And another reason we couldn't trust them with our lives or safely.

I decided to go mining while Mili went to Night and Spector's home to get some ingredients for food the next day. It was nice down in the mines, it was quiet. I found a cave and started to follow it. I found this black stone, it was really hard and really pretty. I started to slowly chip away at it so I could bring it back to Mili and show them. As I finished breaking it, it fell and I reached to grab it and lost my grip falling into this really hot red stuff.

It burned my whole body, It hurt more than anything in my life. I started to cry. I felt like I was going to die. Then I did die. I reappeared in the house and my body was covered in burn marks. All I could hear was my sobbing. I couldn't stop crying, cuddled into the blankets more trying to get more comfortable. I guess Mili appeared somewhere else cause they weren't here with me. That made it worse since they couldn't comfort me and I didn't know if they were upset at me for dying. I could still feel the feeling of being burnt alive.

I don't know how long I was lying there for, sobbing into the blankets. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I flinched away scared that they were gonna hurt me more. Then I felt them hug me from behind whispering kind wording into my ear. I couldn't hear what they were saying exactly. At some point I slowly stopped crying, there was nothing left to cry anyways. I turned and saw that it was Mili that was hugging me. I snuggled closer and fell asleep. I wish I would have been more careful when I went mining, then none of this would have happened.

The next day Mili stayed in bed with me and just snuggled trying their best to comfort me. Every so often I would break into crying, mostly because I could still feel the burning. Sometimes it was because I felt guilty that Mili got hurt because of me. From what I could tell they didn't have any burn marks but their eyes and my hearts have turned yellow. It was a quiet day, no one came by to visit or ask questions. I think Mili told them to just leave us be so we could rest.

The day after that Night and Spector stopped by and gave us hugs saying that they are sorry that we died. We sat and had breakfast together. I stayed stuck to Mili like I have been since I saw it was them comforting me. It was quiet the peaceful day after they left. Mili took me out and we sat in the garden area in front of our house for a long while. I sat upstairs after that and drew some things to relax. The burning feeling never left me, I could always feel it under my skin.

Mez and Iris stopped by the next day. They hung out with us by the dock and we went fishing. It was fun to get back to doing something I enjoyed again. Mili stayed close and chatted with Iris about stuff. Mez and chatting away about all the cool fish they got while I was gone. It was another very peaceful day again. That night Mili braided my hair so I could get it out of the way for tomorrow since I kept telling them it bothered me.

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