Chapter 3: Duel Monsters

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Yugi and I started talking about duel monsters. We both played a lot so we talked about some strategies and other stuff.

"Hey Yugi, what's your favorite card?" I asked him.

"The Dark Magician for sure," he answered. "What's yours?"

"I'd say mine would be the Tyrant Dragon I guess. I like dragon cards, they are my favorite type."

"Cool," he said.

I checked my watch. Oh my gosh it's later than I thought. I better get going. "I have to get going guys, see ya later!" I wave bye to them and ran out the door.

"Bye!" I heard them all say.

I ran all the way home. If I was late Auntie might think I was in trouble if I didn't come home before 8:00.

I opened the doors to the bakery and walked upstairs and jumped onto my bed. I grabbed my phone and texted my old friends that I had in the U.S. They were Ray, Jessa, and Anne.
Me: Hey guys. I'm so glad I learned Japanese in America.

Ray: Did u make any new friends?

Jessa: What r they like?

Me: Yes. They r nice and friendly and play Duel Monsters.

Anne: R they as good as me?

Me: I beat u like 50 times. I haven't even drooled yet though.

Anne, Ray, and Jessa: DROOLED?!

Me: *dueled, stupid autocorrect.

Ray:Thank goodness.

Anne: And u didn't beat me 50 times, you're over estimating, it was 45.

Me:Anyway, gtg, I need my dinner.

Jessa: Wait, was was your new friends names?

Me: Teá, Tristan, Joey, and Yugi.

Anne: Yugi!? As in the best duelist?!

Me: yep, gtg, bye!
---------end of text-----------
I walked downstairs to get dinner. I saw Auntie making some chicken wings.

"Yay, chicken wings!" I said.

"Oh! You scared me. I didn't notice you there," Auntie said.

"I am a SILENT NINJA!!!!!" I yelled.

"Yes, very silent," Auntie said sarcastically.

I ate the chicken wings happily. Auntie made a lot. My parents probably told her about my huge appetite when I was back in America. I ate A LOT. Auntie had 25% of the wings while I had the other 75%.

"Yummy!" I yelled. " NOW SILENT NINJA GO UPSTAIRS TO GO TO SLEEP ON FULL STOMACH!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Shush, the neighbors might hear you," Auntie warned.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my headphones and phone. I got on my bed and started bouncing lightly. I put on my black and green headphones and plugged them into my phone. I started playing my favorite songs and laid on my bed. I started singing to the songs an eventually fell asleep.

Well here's the new chapter! Yay I updated!!!:)

Anyway, little fun fact about me, I do actually go to sleep with my headphones on so that's where I got that from. I also turn the volume up when I wear them to ignore my siblings. I'm also listening to music with them while I write this. YAY HEADPHONES 😄

δαdlγ mγ hεαdρhοηεs ajυsτ βlαcκ. Βυτ τhεγ ωοrκ jυsτ fιηε aηd arε comforταβlε so I'm haρργ.

I dedicate this chapter to AmazingPerson49 because I feel like it? Nah, you're cool. Check out her books. She has some yugioh fanfics and a Pokemon one if anybody is interested and that and 1 other book. Check out AmazingPerson49 because they are amazing!

Ilysm, c ya later peeples <3

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