stay with me

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(days later)

ghost hates being alone with his thoughts all day, johnny is always there to make it better. but he can't now, so now ghost just uses missions and drinking as a cope to make all the thoughts go away, ghost looks like he's on the verge of death, he's covered in scars more than he already has from going to mission after mission after mission, he hasn't eaten in days, he's just counting the days till he gets to see his love, every minute feeling longer then before. he doesn't know how the hell he even manages to get out of bed every day, but all he tells his self his.

ghost: just get though. one. more. day

everyone is so worried about ghost, his once tight shirts are baggy now and he wasn't eaten a single thing in days, he doesn't even speak that much anymore, he just keeps to him self, and can't wait till he can just lay in bed and escape it all.

(3 weeks later)

it's been weeks, no information about johnny, ghost tries to visit as much as he can, but he sees no change in johnnys health.

after a long mission ghost decides to visit johnny.

but when he gets there he sees two doctors in johnnys room. talking, it looks very serious.

ghost runs over, and he's feels his heart start racing and his hands get sweaty.

ghost: what's going on?

both doctors turn around with concerned looks and say

doctor: well we may have bad news.

ghosts heart starts to beat even faster, he feels like he's about to fall to his knees, then

doctor: well its been weeks since he's been brought in, we may need to pull the plug.

the doctor says with a sincere look and the other doctor step's forward and says.

doctor2: or we can give it one more day, but that's it. i'm sorry

ghost forces his tears back and raised his voice a bit.

ghost: p-please one more day! just one more day!!

he says as his voice cracks, and he feels a lump in his throat. but he doesn't show it

the doctors then say

doctor: ok we will give him 24 hours but after that we suggest that, we turn off the life support.

ghost practically yells.

ghost: there will not be no if he lives, he will make it!

the doctors look at him with a sincere look and walk out of the room closing the door behind them.

ghost knees on the ground beside johnny, and holds his hand.

ghost: cmon johnny, wake up, please

hours go by, price has called ghost a million times, but ghost just wants to spend his time with Johnny, after a few minutes ghost finally falls asleep, resting his head on johnnys chest, listening to his heart beat.

another two hours pass, ghost jolts awake after he feels someone tap his hand. ghost looks up at johnnys who's looking down at him.

ghost: johnny

ghost says softly. but johnny looks confused.

soap: um hi?

soap: who are you

ghost eyes widen with concern. and he frantically looks around the room for some kind of call button.

after he finally finds one he presses it like hell. then a nurse and doctor comes running in.

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