I was at an interview watching the boys speak to a very large German interviewer. The last question had just been asked and that's when all the girls started screaming. I honestly don't even remember what the question was but it must have been something to do with Tom.
The boys had just left the stage and I walked back their as-well. Stepping up to Tom. "Did you not see how some of those girls we licking the air?" I laughed as Tom rolled his eyes.
Bill walked up behind me and I grabbed his hands placing them on my waist. I started to back up into him and moaning. "Oh my god tom! Just like that!" I moaned. Me and bill could not stop laughing over it.
Tom slapped my arm and rolled his eyes yet again. He looked at me then at his dressing room signaling to follow him.
I waited a few seconds before walking after him into his room. He closed and locked the door behind me.
He bent down to my ear and whispered, "Moan the same way you just did. And make it fast." He said taking off his belt. My eyes went wide but I wasn't complaining.
I took of my shirt and leaned against the dressing table pulling up my mini skirt and taking off my panties. He placed his hand's against my waist and slowly inserted himself.
We both let out soft moans as he did so. It wasn't long before he picked up the pace and went faster. He took one hand of my waist and put it onto my leg, lifting it up onto the table. He then took that hand and placed it onto my chest, rolling his fingers.
"Oh my god Tom!" I moaned, reaching my climax. He quickly took himself out of me and came as I turned around, cumming onto my face. I licked up the mess and grinned. He put his pants on his helped me get dressed.
Be both left the room at the same time. I moved the strand of hair out of my face. All the guys looked at us and had the mouths wide open.
"I think I'm going to be sick." Georg said walking away with his hand on his mouth.
My smut gets the most views so here we go 🤷♀️